August 15, 2019 – 49 days old

Our puppies are now seven week old. They have grown bigger and are adorable little fur balls that are full of energy. The puppies are curious about everything and love outdoor play time where they get lots of exercise running and playing. When they come back inside, they are ready for a long nap. We introduced a crate to the puppies this week and they have started to think of it as their safe place. Puppies have now made the transition to eating dry kibble puppy food.

Puppy Play
Orange Girl, Green Girl & Dark Blue Boy Exploring
Red boy looking for the escape
More Outdoor fun!
(Yellow girl wants Orange girl to wake up and join the fun…but she just wants to sleep)
Light Blue boy playing in the leaves

- Puppies will continue exploring and playing together inside and outdoor as weather permits
- Puppies will continue learning from their Mama and Ellie
- We will continue to encourage puppies to use potty area
- Puppies will visit the vet for their check-ups, Immunizations and micro chips
- Puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time
- Puppies will start to leave for their forever families at the end of the week

To view more puppy pic, visit “A Visit to the Vet” page