Puppies on the move

August 21, 2019 – Day 24
Puppies 3 week portrait

Puppies are progressing quickly. Their eye sight and hearing has improved. Their hind legs are stronger and they are getting better at walking. The past few days, puppies have been having play time on the main floor. I felt this would make the transition of their move a little easier.

Exploring somewhere new

Play time on the Main Floor

Playing with Mama

Puppies are growing up; notice their new collars. Day 23 was their last night in our bedroom and last chance to rest their heads on the “pig rails” They have grown too big to fit under them so we are removing them from their whelping box.

The day of the big move

The big day…..today the puppies have moved to the main floor.

Ruska was a little stressed with the big move. She watched as I set up the fence enclosure, then moved the whelping box and finally the puppies. When everything was set-up, she settled and went in to nurse her babies.

New challenges are ahead for the puppies. The will learn to move from their whelping box to the new “potty area”. I will spend the next few days moving them to this area when they wake up and after they eat, to teach them where to go potty. This will take some time for them to learn but, a couple of the puppies already moved to the area on their own after their nap. Yeah, such smart puppies!

To view more puppy pics visit “Four weeks Old”

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