Watching the puppies grow and trying to determined if they would be flat coat golden doodles (retriever style) or have facial furnishings took patience. Early on I knew what six of the puppies coat type would be but, the other five I had to wait until I could or couldn’t see facial furnishings growing. I am impatient so waiting is not easy but, finally I was able to determine the coat type of four of the last five puppies in question.
The mathematical estimate from genetics was that at least fifty percent would be flat coats. This prediction was correct for Ellie’s and Brinkley’s litter – four puppies have facial furnishings and six puppies are flat coats. One puppy I’m still undecided.
No matter the coat type, all of Ellie’s puppies are beautiful, confident, calm, gentle, loving puppies that love to cuddle. They will make wonderful additions to our forever families!
Flat Coats (retriever style)

Wavy/Curly (with facial furnishings)

I am undecided if our dark blue boy will be a flat coat goldendoodle or not (time will tell)

This morning the puppies ate their breakfast and had playtime out side but, because it was damp, I brought them in to sleep. This afternoon has been raining so the puppies ate their lunch and had indoor recess LOL. I feel sorry for them when they can’t play outside. I open our sliding door to let our adult dogs out and the puppies start to whine – they want to go outside too. So sad 😞