One of the highlights of raising our puppies is Selection Day. We love the excitement in the air as we introduce the puppies to their forever families. Even with Covid restrictions in place and limited time for selection, it was still a great day. As I was looking back at our weather the last couple weeks and the strong winds on Friday, I am thankful that God blessed us with a sunny warm day to welcome our forever families! Ellie, Brinkley Tom and I along with our other dogs, enjoyed meeting everyone and getting to know the forever families a little better!

The puppies had a long exciting day meeting their forever families and by the end, they were so tired they just wanted to sleep LOL. Before dinner I put the puppies outside for a little exercise. I went in to make their dinner and when I came out to feed them, I found them all asleep on the mat.

After dinner I put the puppies back into their Puppy Enclosure and they quickly settled down for a good sleep.😴

🐾Tired puppies….. after such an exciting day, they just want to sleep! 🐾