I have heard it said, “The only thing goldendoodles like better than water is SNOW”. This is true for my goldendoodles as well as my poodles. One afternoon in January, Tom went in our yard with the dogs and took pics and videos of them playing in the snow. The snow was so deep!!! It is funny to watch as they hop though it trying to run.
Will we have a Spring Litter?
After breeding, I intently watch for the signs that my dogs are expecting. I look for things such as, a decreased appetite, morning sickness, and sleeping more. Ellie and Willow showed all of these signs. Yes, it looked very promising that puppies were on their way, but I am never completely confident of pregnancy until l use my doppler and hear those tiny heartbeats.
There are various ways to confirm pregnancy in dogs – abdominal palpation, an ultrasound performed early in pregnancy around 28 days or my chose – waiting patiently for five weeks and using a Doppler Ultrasound to confirm if they are actually expecting puppies.
Yesterday was day 35 and the long wait was finally here. I got the doppler out and nervously began. Ellie has experienced this before and just laid patiently while I search for a puppy heartbeat but, Willow was a different story. This is her first experience, and she didn’t enjoy the process at all. At this point the puppies are very small making it difficult to pick up their heartbeats. The doppler kept picking up Willow’s heartbeat (125 bpm) but, while trying to keep Willow calm, I persevered. After a couple minutes of searching the doppler finally picked up that quick tiny heartbeat (210 bpm). It is always exciting when I finally find it!
YES, we will have two spring litters – both our girls are expecting!

L.A. Doodles is please to announce that both Ellie and Willow are expecting. Puppies will arrive Mid-March
At day 35, puppies have completed the development of all their major organs and have reached approximately 20% of their size at birth. Today – Day 36 – ends the period of slow growth and tomorrow – Day 37 – the puppies enter the rapid growth stage. It is important for our mamas to get regular exercise, rest, and, lots of TLC. We will continue to feed our expectant mamas high quality food and treats. Over the next weeks they will begin to increase their food intake.