Willow’s Puppies

LOOKING BACK – March 22, 2022 – Two Weeks Old
Our puppies are already two weeks old. It has been a great week! We have been busy providing ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation) which benefits include greater tolerance to stress, greater resistance to disease, faster adrenal system, stronger heart rate and stronger heartbeat. We have had a great time cuddling puppies – early human socialization of puppies produces calmer dispositions.
Friday was an exciting day ….. we saw our first puppy’s eyes begin to open. It was Blue Collar Boy, one of our blue merle boys. We can now see all the puppies eyes beginning to open. Their vision is not well developed just yet but it will steadily improve over the coming weeks.
Willow continues to be a loving and attentive mama and they are gaining weight daily. With all that eating and sleeping they can’t help but grow. The puppies have gained strength in their hind legs and are moving around the whelping box on all fours. Last night after dinner we came back upstairs to discover three mischievous puppies crawling out of the whelping box….time to another door-slot to the entrance.
- Puppies will still eat and sleep most of their day
- Puppies will continue growing
- Eyes will continue to open wider and sight will steadily become clearer
- Ears will start to open and they will begin to hear (though not well yet)
- Puppies hind legs will become stronger and they will practice walking on all fours
- Puppies will become more aware of their litter-mates and begin to interact.
Ellie’s Puppies
Below are a few pics of Ellie’s sweet puppies……..They are growing so quickly!!!!

Sweet dreams!