Both litters of puppies are progressing on schedule. We continue to give all our puppies lots of cuddles and interaction every day! Cuddling puppies is one of my favourite things to do! 🐾
This week has been extra busy for us. We had an addition to “Grans’ Daycare”- my 13 month old granddaughter. My daughter-in-law’s maternity leave ended and she when back to work this week. It was an adjustment for all involved – (Mommy, Daddy, Baby, Gran, and Pappa) but, we made it through the week. The puppies were a great help – when my granddaughter was crying, I was able to distract her with puppies.
This was also a great socialization time for our puppies. It is important to socialize the puppies with people of different ages, including babies.

Ellie’s Puppies
Ellie’s puppies’ eyes are beginning to open which is always so exciting! Our yellow collar girl was the first puppy in her litter to open her eyes. Puppies are born with their eyes sealed shut to protect them while they continue to develop. We can see a few more puppies’ eyes are beginning to unseal at the inner corners. Over the next few days, all the puppies will have opened their eyes.

Willow’s Puppies
This morning was nail trimming day. I waited until they had nursed and then went right to the task. The puppies were calmer than I had expected, and each puppy sat on my lap quietly while I trimmed their nails. This proves to me that the ENS ((Early Neurological Stimulation) is very effective. I’m sure Willow will appreciate the trimmed nails – Ouch – they were so sharp!
Willow’s puppies are getting stronger in their hind legs and interacting more. It is cute during the day but, in the middle of the night last night, they wanted a play time. Somehow, they seem louder at night!