We Are Excited to Announce Ellies’ Puppies Have Arrived

L.A. Doodles is excited to announce the arrival of Ellies’ puppies. Ellies’ labour started Sunday morning and she spent most of the time lying on my bed. As midnight approached, she became very unsettled, and I knew it wouldn’t be long. Her first puppy, a handsome boy arrived at 2:37 am and her whelping was completed three hours later at 5:36 am when puppy number eight arrived.

Introducing Ellies’ Litter

March 14, 2022

7 Beautiful Girls and 1 Handsome Boy

Our Newborn Puppy Huddle

Ellie is a wonderful loving mama and adores her babies. We look forward to helping her raise her puppies! She now has a 24 hour job caring for her little ones. Great Job Ellie!

paw prints

Lots of Saturday Cuddles for Willows’ Puppies

Our days have fallen into a routine with caring for Willows’ puppies. The puppies continue to do well at weigh-in and are on track to double their birth weight by the 10-day mark (some maybe even sooner). After weighing the puppies and cleaning the whelping box on Saturday, we took a video while returning them to the whelping box. The video shows the lovely white markings on the underside of the puppies!

Puppy Socialization

Puppy Socialization is an important part of raising calm puppies. This is why we handle puppies right from birth.

Saturday evening my son’s family came over for a puppy visit. My grandchildren are always so excited to see the new puppies. Socializing the puppies soon after birth by a variety of people is a bonus. It is important for puppies to be handled – even by my two year old grandson who is a little rough. My older grandchildren have learnt to be gentle with small puppies but as my 2 year old grandson is still learning, we watch him very carefully!

Day Four – March 12

Our Day Four video shows Willow being Willow. She loves to sleep on her back (even nursing LOL) and wants to make the whelping box her own by digging up the VetBed lining. Every time I see her start to rearrange it, I tell her NO but if I’m out of the room and return I can see she had been digging. I think she likes the cooler bottom without the VetBed. It is important for the puppies to keep warm but also very important that they have the traction that the VetBed provides.

paw prints

Excitement and Anticipation Builds Waiting for Ellie’s Puppies


Willow and Ellie are the best of friends and have kept each other company throughout their pregnancies but, since Willow had her puppies, she became a protective mama and wouldn’t let any of our dogs in her room. But today Willow let Ellie come into our bedroom to see her puppies. Ellie happily spent the day relaxing on my bed and getting lots of rest. Ellies’ due date is March 13th (Day 63) – Just two days away! The puppies can arrive a few days early or a few days late. Either way, Ellie will soon have a whelping box full of her own babies to care for.

Listening for Puppy Heartbeats with the Doppler

Ellies’ tummy continues to expand with each passing day. Her babies are now crowded, and it is very easy to feel and see the puppies moving. In the video below, listen for puppy heartbeats and watch Ellies’ tummy closely – you can see the puppies moving.

paw prints

Willows’ Puppies Are Doing Amazing!

Today the puppies are three days old. It is amazing how much they grow each day. Willow continues to be an amazing mama as she feed, cleans and keeps her babies warm. Newborn puppies cannot regulate their own body temperature and depend on their littermates and mama to keep them warm.

Daily Weight In

In the first 24 hours of a puppy’s life, it is not uncommon for puppies to loose weight. Willows’ puppies are doing amazing. They all gained weight their first 24 hours and continue to gain daily.

We weigh our puppies daily and track their weight. Sometimes it is hard to keep the puppies still during weigh in time. Watch for Chocolate Boy in the video below – he didn’t want to be on the cold scale but just wanted to stay in the warm whelping box and sleep!

Day 3

Look at Willows’ Beautiful Puppy Singles

The past few days have been busy ones caring for Willow and helping her care for her babies. She is a first-time mama and doing an amazing job caring for her little ones. The puppies are gaining weight daily – Good Job Willow!!!

Puppies nursing

DAY TWO – Puppy Photo Shoot

If puppies just eat and sleep, it should be a breeze, right? —- NOT!

To take the pics, we set up on our bed which is right beside the Whelping Box. At first Willow was concerned that her babies were leaving the whelping box so, she jumped up onto the bed to check things out. This is not helpful at all – If the puppies smell their mama, they don’t settle. After Willow was satisfied that it was okay, she went back in the whelping box with the rest of her puppies, and we proceeded with our photo shoot. It takes a lot of time because the puppies don’t cooperate. They kept moving around, trying to get settled into sleep but the problem was it was not towards the camera – LOL. We were finally successful and got some great singles!

Willow’s Puppies Singles

Introducing ………..The Boys

Introducing ………..The Girls

After we finished the photoshoot and returned the last puppy to the whelping box, Willow gathered her babies close to her and they all settled in for a nap.

Exciting News….Willow’s Puppies Have Arrived!!!

L.A. Doodles is excited to announce the arrival of Willow’s puppies. It was a long night of labour and no sleep but it was worth it when the first puppy arrived at 5:47 am

This is our first merle litter
  • 1 Gold
  • 1 Chocolate
  • 1 Chocolate Merle
  • 3 Blue Merle

All Willow’s puppies are Abstract; meaning the all have lovely white markings

March 8, 2022

4 Handsome Boys and 2 Little Princesses

Our Newborn Puppy Huddle

Willow is a loving and caring mama. She is tired after her long night. Willow spent the day caring for her new babies and getting some well-deserved rest! Great job Willow!!!