Just a short post on a Saturday. The Puppies love outdoor play and lots a cuddles.
Happy Friday – Sunshine and Puppies to Make you Smile😊
It’s Friday
It is a warm day with lots of sunshine. This morning we took all the puppies and my grandchildren out to the deck for morning outdoor play. Our two litters of puppies are interacting very well together – they chase each other, wrestle, and play tug of war. When they tire out, they cuddle together for a nap.
Yesterday Willow’s had a great adventure – they went out of their puppy enclosure on the deck and explored the BIG yard. We put them on the step, and it was up to them to come down. This is a great exercise for the puppies to use their brains. Watch the videos below to see the puppies figure out how to descend the steps. They did a great job and when they finished, they got to run and play in the yard.
The big dogs love having the puppies join them in the big yard. There is lots of room for the puppies to sniff new things, explore, run, and play. This gives the big dogs teaching time with the puppies. Watch Willow teaching her puppies to submit. She will work with them one on one – the goal is for the puppy to lay on their back – the summit position.
It is still wet and muddy in many areas in our yard; the puppies got a little muddy but that didn’t matter to them. They had a great time and afterwards a long nap!
Happy To Report Seven Week Old Puppies In Perfect Health
Willow’s Puppies

Willow’s puppies are now seven week old. They continue to grow bigger and more adorable each day. The puppies are full of energy and curious about everything. They love outdoor play time where they get lots of exercise running and playing with each other. Puppies have now made the transition to eating dry kibble puppy food. They are truly growing up!
We had a busy day yesterday – The puppies visited the Stouffville Veterinary Clinic for their wellness check, immunizations and microchips. We loaded the crate into the truck along with Willow’s puppies for their first car ride. We have about a fifteen minute drive to our vet and all our puppies did very well. They were quite most of the way and no-one was car sick.
It is a two person job when we take our litters to the vet. Tom keeps watch at the truck with the puppies while I shuttle the puppies two at a time for their visit.

We had two of our grandchildren with us yesterday. Our granddaughter stayed in her car seat and we kept her busy with some snacks. Our grandson was pappa’s big helper keeping watch over the puppies while they waited for their turn.

Dr. Westermann gave our puppies a full health check, their first immunizations, and their microchip. The immunization needle is so small, most of the puppies didn’t react. When it came time for the microchip which is a much bigger needle, we had a couple of brave puppies that only let out a small whimper but most of the puppies let us know that they didn’t appreciate it. LOL!

- Puppies will continue exploring and playing together inside and outdoor as weather permits
- Puppies will start crate and leash training
- Puppies will get to explore the big yard
- Puppies will continue learning from their their mama and our other dogs
- We will continue to encourage puppies to use potty box
- Puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time
Ellie’s Puppies
What do puppies do? – Eat, Play and Sleep – on the floor, in the crate, and the famous doodle position, on their back!

Look At These Cuties – Now Six Weeks Old!
Ellie’s Puppies
Day 42 – Six weeks old today. We have had another busy week caring for the puppies and introducing them to so many new things. They have grown bigger and you can see each unique personality developing. Ellie continues to wean her puppies and they have now progressed to eating softened kibble. We continue to work on potty training. Ellie’s babies do well in their puppy enclosure which is a smaller area but, still need to work when they are in a larger area in the outdoors. They enjoy running and chasing each other during outside play time and also have fun inside with their activity centre.
This past Saturday was selection day. It was a cool, wet day but excitement was in the air as we met each forever family and introduced them to their new puppy! It brings me joy to know that all our puppies are joining such amazing families and will be loved!

- Puppies time spent awake will continue to increase
- Puppies will begin dry kibble by the end of week seven
- We will continue to encourage puppies to use potty area
- Puppies will continue to socialize and learn from each other through play
- Puppies will continue exploring and playing together outdoor as weather permits
- Puppies will continue learning from their mama as she disciplines them and teaches them to behave
- As always, puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time.
Outdoor Play
Both Willow and Ellie’s puppies love outdoor play and have done very well interacting with each other. Today we gave the puppies a raised bed in the centre of their outdoor play area. They loved jumping up and down from it, and lounging and wrestling on it. Ellie’s puppies need more practice with using the potty box outdoors so, I thought it might be helpful if I added a second potty box on the other side of the deck. It was successful – Lots of puppies used it! Near the end of the video, watch for Ellie nursing her puppies. A couple of Willow’s puppies wanted some milk too and didn’t seem to mind that it wasn’t from their mama – LOL!
Puppies Love Playing In The Outdoors
Thursday was a rainy day – The saying goes “April showers bring May flowers” may be true but, it also brings muddy floors. I have four “Dirty Dog Mat” runners at my sliding door hoping to absorb my dogs wet, dirty feet. It does help but, still my floors are impossible to keep clean. I can’t wait until May flowers arrive and my yard dries out. Until then, I have to live with dog prints on my floors!
It did finally stop raining in the late afternoon so, I took both Willow and Ellie’s litter of puppies outside for play time. Watch the video below as the puppies explore a new toy – an empty water bottle covered in an odd sock.
Selection Day for Ellie’s pups tomorrow – Saturday, April 23rd

We are excited and looking forward to meeting our Forever Families tomorrow and introducing our puppies to you. Until then, a little video of these sweet puppies!
Willow’s Babies Are Growing Up …. Six Weeks Old Today!
Willow’s Puppies

Six weeks old today. We have had another busy week caring for the puppies and introducing them to so many new things. They have grown bigger, and you can see each unique personality developing. Puppies have now progressed to eating softened kibble. They enjoy running and chasing each other during outdoor play time and have fun inside with their activity centre. They are doing very well using their potty box. We still have an accident here and there but for the most part they are fairly consistent. We are working on teaching the puppies recall, with our “puppy call”. When the puppies hear “puppy puppy” they are alerted and come to me – but sometimes they get distracted on the way LOL. Recall is an ongoing learning lesson which our forever families will continue teaching their puppy when they take them home. This week we have been working on obstacles – the puppies must use their brain and figure out how to maneuver around them. The puppies have also been learning how to go down a few steps. Some puppies are braver than others but all puppies are learning.
Last night we returned to winter weather with a snowfall. I thought the puppies would enjoy playing in the snow so, this morning we went outside for some exercise. Willow has begun teaching her puppies manners – to listen. In the video you can see her with her puppies as she is beginning her teaching phase. I kept the other dogs in the yard but, Maui jumped the fence and joined in the teaching session.

- Puppies time spent awake will continue to increase
- Puppies will begin dry kibble by the end of week seven
- We will continue to encourage puppies to use potty box
- Puppies will continue to socialize and learn from each other through play
- Puppies will continue exploring and playing together outdoor as weather permits
- Puppies will continue learning from their mama as she disciplines them and teaches them to behave
- As always, puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time.
Ellie’s Puppies
Yesterday was an exciting day for Ellie’s puppies – they had their first outdoor adventure. We began by taking Ellie’s puppies out to the enclosed deck with their mama. I began by putting each puppy into the potty box so they would know where it was. This is a true test to see if they still go to the potty box in such a large area. Some puppies did wander over to the box when needed but not all. Still some work to do in that area.
After Ellie’s puppies had time to explore and play, I brought Willow’s litter outside to join them. They are only six days older but, to a five-week-old puppy there is a difference. My daughter and I watched carefully and when we thought one of Willow’s puppies got too rough, we stepped in. All in all, the puppies from the two litters did well together. After a while, all the puppies but two, curled up in one puppy huddle to sleep. The remain two puppies that were awake still were “Blue Collar Boy” from both Ellie and Willow’s litter. They were still awake and hanging out with Maui the nanny!

Ellie’s Adorable Babies Turn Five Weeks Old Today
Ellie’s Puppies
How quickly time passes and how quickly puppies grow! Ellie’s sweet puppies are now five weeks old today. The puppies have developed from helpless newborns to “mini dogs”. They have learned so much over the past five weeks. This past week we have been working hard on training the puppies to use the potty box. They still have a long way to go and some of the puppies are more consistent than others, but all are making great progress! The puppies are now awake for longer periods and enjoy playing in the play area with their littermates. Nursing time from mama has decreased and the puppies continue to enjoy eating puppy mush and drinking from their water dish.
New Puppy Area
On Friday we changed up Ellie’s puppies’ area. The puppies went to the Play Area for some exercise while we worked on their sleeping area. We removed the puppies’ whelping box and added crates. We covered the crates with blankets to mimic a “den”. There is a potty box in the corner across from the crates and a small area in the middle for play. The puppies were curious when we introduced them to their new area and they can now see Willow’s puppies with just a fence separating them. The puppies smelled around checking things out, looked at Willow’s puppies and explored the crates. They must have approved of the new sleeping arrangements because the puppies took a nap in their new crates – sweet dreams!

- Puppies time spent awake will continue to increase
- Puppies food will become much thicker progressing toward the goal of eating dry kibble
- Puppies will continue learning to use potty potty
- Puppies will continue to socialize with each other through play
- Puppies balance will continue to improve.
- Puppies will begin daily outdoor playtime as weather permits
- Puppies will continue learning from their mama as she disciplines them and teaches them to behave
- As always, puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time.
Happy Saturday From Our Adorable Puppies
Ellie’s Puppies
First Day Of Eating Solids
Ellie’s puppies are growing up. They have started eating puppy mush – they did such a good job at eating that I had to fill their bowl again. After they were finished we put them back in the whelping box and Ellie joined them. First she cleaned their face and then they nursed. Mama’s milk is so good!
Ellie’s puppies are getting lots of exercise when they visit the play area. This time I made sure they weren’t distracted by their mama. She was outside when they first went into the enclosure. They had a great time running, wrestling, and playing with the activity centre. (Mama joined them later) Puppies play hard, tire quickly, and sleep lots!

Willow’s Puppies
Willow’s puppies love their play time outdoors. They have lots of room to run, wrestle and explore. Thursday we added a water feature to the outdoor play area. Some of the puppies thought it was a big water bowl, a couple puppies put a foot in the water but no puppy went right in to explore the water – I’m sure In time they will. Puppies play hard, tire quickly, and sleep lots!

Five Weeks Old And Puppies First Taste Of The Outdoors
I like to put a post out the day the puppies turn a week older. Yesterday Willow’s puppies turned 5 weeks old and we had an extra busy day. By the time I had fed all the dogs/puppies and eaten dinner I was too tired to tackle a post. Sorry to those that were expecting Willow’s Puppies five week post yesterday – but, here it is – one day late.
Willow’s Puppies

Willow’s puppies are now five weeks old. The puppies have developed from helpless newborn puppies to the “mini dogs” they are today and their personalities are developing. The puppies have learned so much over the past five weeks. We have been working hard on training puppies to use the potty box. It’s amazing to watch puppies wake up or stop playing and walk over to use their potty box. They still have an accident here and there but, all our puppies are making great progress. Nursing time has decreased, and they can now eat puppy mush, and drink their water. They love playing with my grandchildren and interacting with people of different ages. The puppies are now awake for longer periods and enjoy playing with their toys, each other, and cuddle time. They play hard, tire quickly and drop off for more sleep.
Outdoor Adventure
Yesterday the puppies had their first taste of the outdoors. My husband Tom spent the morning enclosing our deck in fencing. We then added a potty box, an activity centre, some toys, and then the puppies. It was a beautiful warm day, and the puppies had a great time exploring a new area. I was impressed with how well our puppies did using the potty box. This was the first time they have had such a big space and the puppies still ran over to their potty box when they need to – such smart puppies! Maui the nanny was on duty and the puppies loved playing with her too. The puppies even had their lunch outside. Tom and I enjoyed an afternoon of sunshine and watching Willow’s sweet five-week-old puppies play.
- Puppies time spent awake will continue to increase
- Puppies food will become much thicker progressing toward the goal of eating dry kibble
- Puppies will continue learning to use potty box
- Puppies will continue to socialize with each other through play
- Puppies balance will continue to improve.
- Puppies will continue to have outdoor play time as weather permits
- Puppies will continue learning from their mama as she disciplines them and teaches them to behave
- As always, puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time.
Ellie’s Puppies
We are still working on trying to get Ellie’s puppies to use their litter box. The puppies still have access to the Whelping Box and Potty Box. It takes time and I always get impatient thinking, will they ever get it? I know that they always do – something just clicks and progress is made. In the mean time, we continue to put them into their potty box when they wake and after they eat. I change out their vet bedding multiple times a day. It is important that the Whelping Box smells clean and the potty box smells like a potty box.
puppies first visit to play area
Yesterday I thought it would be fun for the puppies to visit the play area. I started off putting each puppy in the potty box we have in the corner to show them where to go potty. Then they started to explore and play. Soon after, Ellie wanted into play area to check things out. I let her in and of course her puppies were all over her – they thought it was time to eat again. She decided to jump out of the enclosure and went out of sight. But, a minute later she returned to watch her puppies on the other side of the fence. That was the end of play time in the enclosure. – the puppies were only interested in their mama. I took the puppies back to their Whelping Box and gave them some new toys to play with.
Have A Look At Our Beautiful Four Week Old Puppies
Ellie’s Puppies

Today Ellie’s sweet babies turned four weeks old and oh, how they have grown. As I have said it before, Ellie is a wonderful mama. She loves her babies so much and still will go into the whelping box to nurse and cuddle. This past week has been another busy one. The puppies moved to the main floor, and started on potty training. They have become steadier on their feet as their hind legs strengthen. Puppies are vocalizing more and as you may have heard from our previous post, they have perfected their whine. Their milk teeth are now in, and the puppies are teething so, we added a couple of toys to their whelping box for them to chew on. The puppies are awake more and spending this time socializing with each other through play. One of my favourite thing to do is go into the whelping box for puppy cuddles. Ellie’s puppies love their cuddles!
Potty training has started. We have set ups the potty box just outside the whelping box. I am spending my time putting the puppies in the box when they wake or after they nurse. It takes a while for the puppies to get it but well worth the effort when you have puppies going potty in one place!
Puppy four week singles
It is always a challenge to take puppy pictures and today was no exception. During the photo shoot I took over 300 pics. Those beautiful little puppies just wanted to come see me and explore. After seven puppies my patience was wearing thin. I took the last puppy, Yellow Collar Girl out of the whelping box, put her flower on and put her in the basket. She did the usual, walked around and sniffed the basket. I readjusted her in the sitting position – she stayed sitting and looked directly at me while I snapped a few pics. It was that easy! Gold Star for our Yellow Collar Girl – what a good girl!

- Puppies time spent awake will increase
- Puppies will continue to socialize with each other through play
- Puppies balance will continue to improve and they will begin to run
- Puppies will continue learning to use potty area
- Puppies will start solids
- Mama will now add the invaluable teaching phase to her caring & protecting responsibilities over the next weeks.
Willow’s Puppies
Willow’s puppies will turn five weeks tomorrow so, we will post what they are up to then. For now, just a short video of those sweet pups.