Well, I have had at busy day – looking after grandchildren, puppies and trying to get a post out. Throw in technical problems getting your iPhone and computer to communicate. I was a little frustrated but, finally was able to work thing out and get our post out! 😅
Both our litters are growing more adorable each day and getting lots of love and attention. All our puppies love to cuddle on our lap! 🐾
Willow’s Puppies
Four weeks old singles

We have been working hard on trying to teach Willow’s puppies to use their potty box. Puppies still need more work but are making progress Yesterday, we added a play area for the puppies to get some exercise. We put in a crate and new toys for puppies to explore and play with. They had lots of fun playing with the toys and their littermates. Some of our puppies even ran back to use the potty box. A few puppies ventured into the crate to play and then fell asleep.
Green Collar Girl picking up the Kong tennis ball
Orange Collar Boy’s “soccer kick”
Red Collar Boy “waves”
Black collar boy playing with grey elephant stuffie
Magenta collar girl running back to the potty box
Blue collar boy lounging in the whelping box, showing off his beautiful eyes!
Ellie’s Puppies
A Visit to the Main Floor
Ellie’s puppies are growing and becoming more active. So, today, I decided to take them downstairs to the main floor for a little exercise. Everyone was very excited – my two grandchildren along with Ellie, Ruska, Willow and, Maui followed me down stairs carrying my basket of puppies, After the puppies nursed, I put the big dogs outside and we spent the next while playing with puppies. My three-year-old grandson said to me, “Gran, I just love having the puppies downstairs!” 🥰 I’m sure you can see how much they loved playing with them. Even my one-year-old granddaughter enjoyed herself. They only needed a few reminders to be “gentle” The puppies enjoyed exploring and playing but after a while, the puppies dropped off to sleep one by one. I then took them back upstairs and they went for a proper sleep in their whelping box.