Ellie’s Puppies

Today Ellie’s sweet babies turned four weeks old and oh, how they have grown. As I have said it before, Ellie is a wonderful mama. She loves her babies so much and still will go into the whelping box to nurse and cuddle. This past week has been another busy one. The puppies moved to the main floor, and started on potty training. They have become steadier on their feet as their hind legs strengthen. Puppies are vocalizing more and as you may have heard from our previous post, they have perfected their whine. Their milk teeth are now in, and the puppies are teething so, we added a couple of toys to their whelping box for them to chew on. The puppies are awake more and spending this time socializing with each other through play. One of my favourite thing to do is go into the whelping box for puppy cuddles. Ellie’s puppies love their cuddles!
Potty training has started. We have set ups the potty box just outside the whelping box. I am spending my time putting the puppies in the box when they wake or after they nurse. It takes a while for the puppies to get it but well worth the effort when you have puppies going potty in one place!
Puppy four week singles
It is always a challenge to take puppy pictures and today was no exception. During the photo shoot I took over 300 pics. Those beautiful little puppies just wanted to come see me and explore. After seven puppies my patience was wearing thin. I took the last puppy, Yellow Collar Girl out of the whelping box, put her flower on and put her in the basket. She did the usual, walked around and sniffed the basket. I readjusted her in the sitting position – she stayed sitting and looked directly at me while I snapped a few pics. It was that easy! Gold Star for our Yellow Collar Girl – what a good girl!

- Puppies time spent awake will increase
- Puppies will continue to socialize with each other through play
- Puppies balance will continue to improve and they will begin to run
- Puppies will continue learning to use potty area
- Puppies will start solids
- Mama will now add the invaluable teaching phase to her caring & protecting responsibilities over the next weeks.
Willow’s Puppies
Willow’s puppies will turn five weeks tomorrow so, we will post what they are up to then. For now, just a short video of those sweet pups.