Thursday was a rainy day – The saying goes “April showers bring May flowers” may be true but, it also brings muddy floors. I have four “Dirty Dog Mat” runners at my sliding door hoping to absorb my dogs wet, dirty feet. It does help but, still my floors are impossible to keep clean. I can’t wait until May flowers arrive and my yard dries out. Until then, I have to live with dog prints on my floors!
It did finally stop raining in the late afternoon so, I took both Willow and Ellie’s litter of puppies outside for play time. Watch the video below as the puppies explore a new toy – an empty water bottle covered in an odd sock.
Selection Day for Ellie’s pups tomorrow – Saturday, April 23rd

We are excited and looking forward to meeting our Forever Families tomorrow and introducing our puppies to you. Until then, a little video of these sweet puppies!