Ellie’s Puppies
Day 42 – Six weeks old today. We have had another busy week caring for the puppies and introducing them to so many new things. They have grown bigger and you can see each unique personality developing. Ellie continues to wean her puppies and they have now progressed to eating softened kibble. We continue to work on potty training. Ellie’s babies do well in their puppy enclosure which is a smaller area but, still need to work when they are in a larger area in the outdoors. They enjoy running and chasing each other during outside play time and also have fun inside with their activity centre.
This past Saturday was selection day. It was a cool, wet day but excitement was in the air as we met each forever family and introduced them to their new puppy! It brings me joy to know that all our puppies are joining such amazing families and will be loved!

- Puppies time spent awake will continue to increase
- Puppies will begin dry kibble by the end of week seven
- We will continue to encourage puppies to use potty area
- Puppies will continue to socialize and learn from each other through play
- Puppies will continue exploring and playing together outdoor as weather permits
- Puppies will continue learning from their mama as she disciplines them and teaches them to behave
- As always, puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time.
Outdoor Play
Both Willow and Ellie’s puppies love outdoor play and have done very well interacting with each other. Today we gave the puppies a raised bed in the centre of their outdoor play area. They loved jumping up and down from it, and lounging and wrestling on it. Ellie’s puppies need more practice with using the potty box outdoors so, I thought it might be helpful if I added a second potty box on the other side of the deck. It was successful – Lots of puppies used it! Near the end of the video, watch for Ellie nursing her puppies. A couple of Willow’s puppies wanted some milk too and didn’t seem to mind that it wasn’t from their mama – LOL!