We have a routine on go-home day – bath, nails trimmed and blow-dry. Some puppies tolerate the blow-dryer longer than others. I don’t want to stress the puppies out too much so the puppies finish air drying. We then give them a final brush.

Our mama “wears” the go-home blankets to put her scent on it. Our puppies put the littermate scent on the “snuggle puppies”. These familiar scents can be a comfort to a puppy in their new environment.

Then, it is time for our Puppy Go-Home Pics – Such Adorable Puppies!!! 🥰

Our puppies are now ready and waiting to go to their Forever Homes with their Forever Families.

It is always a bittersweet time when puppies go to their forever homes. It is hard to say goodbye to my puppies 🥲. I have loved and cared for them for the first 8+ weeks of their lives – we put our heart into each puppy we raise ❤️ It brings me joy to share in the excitement of our forever families as they pick up their new puppy.

One Puppy Remaining
We have one puppy left – Purple Collar Girl. I’m sure she is wondering “Where did my littermates go?” Her forever family made arrangements for her to stay a little longer. She will be leaving on Tuesday but, until then, she is one of the family. After all the puppies left we headed outside to the yard and filled the pool with water for the dogs to cool off😅 All the dogs then headed back to the deck for a long deserved rest. Raising puppies is hard work!! 🐾