Echo was breed at the end of May for her first litter of puppies. Then the waiting began to confirm pregnancy. Echo is Ruska and Tulo’s daughter from their third litter of puppies. My son and daughter-in-law agreed to become a guardian family for Echo. She went to live in their home as a puppy to train, love, and care for her. We believe every dog should be first and foremost a beloved pet.
We needed to look for another blood line for Echo’s stud because our stud dogs carry the same blood line as Echo. I have spent the past year looking for a stud and we finally decided on Riggs from Delilah’s Poodle Doodles. They are ethical breeders – breeding and raising puppies as we do at L.A. Doodles. Their tag line says, “Honest Breeding, Done with Love, Care and Morals”.
After Echo was breed the waiting began until we could confirm pregnancy. There are various ways to confirm pregnancy ranging from abdominal palpation, an ultrasound performed between 22 – 28 days in pregnancy or my choice – waiting patiently for five weeks until Day 35 and using a Doppler Ultrasound.
Day 34
Today, one day early, (I can never wait until day 35 lol) we decided to listen for puppy heartbeats. Echo’s tummy is full of fur which makes it a little harder to pick the heartbeats up than a clean-shaven tummy. My husband Tom helped keep Echo calm by patting her head as my daughter Kendra helped out to video. This is Echo’s first experience with the doppler, and she did a great job laying still while we listened for those tiny fast heartbeats. Her calmness reminds me of her mama Ruska.
Exciting news…….we found puppy heartbeats!

Congratulations Echo and Riggs on your upcoming litter of puppies!
Due date: July 30th, 2022
We have room on our waiting list for this litter. For more information and to apply