Exciting News, Our puppies are on the move
to the warm quiet space that the puppies have occupied since birth.
to the main floor, many noises of a busy household and many life lessons.

It was a busy morning preparing the new puppy area before the actual move began. Why you ask, because preparing the puppy area is a big job!
The main floor puppy enclosure is set up just off my kitchen located at the centre of our house. The reason I choose this area is because it is by the door outside and the puppies will experience the most interactions in this spot.
At first, the puppies only have access to a small area – the whelping box and potty area only. The puppies will sleep and play in their whelping box and have access to their potty box just outside the entrance. The mama’s elevated beds are next to the whelping box which they can sleep on. Also, the beds help when she jumps into the whelping box to care her puppies.
We have fencing enclosing the whole puppy area, with a fence in the middle dividing the two whelping boxes to keep the litters separate. The fence gates will be left open so our mamas are able to come and go as they please to care for her puppies.
First we moved Willow’s litter. After that, it was Ellie’s litter’s turn to make the big move.

Next – potty training begins.
The puppies are now going potty without the help of their mother. Therefore it is important to begin “potty training” at this age. The reason for this is because puppies have a natural instinct to move away from their sleeping area when they need to go.
I want the puppies to begin learning “where to go” before they start on solids. So, for the next few days I will spend my time moving the puppies to the potty area when they wake and after they eat.
It is important that puppies start learning that they cannot go potty anywhere. So we teach them “there is an acceptable place to go potty” at young age. The reason for this is to stop them from developing bad habits that later need to be broken. This effort on our part will benefit forever families by making housebreaking easier for them when they go to their forever homes.