I finally got the crates set up to begin crate training. I decided to do one litter a a time. This morning Willow’s litter went in to explore. They were in and out and a couple puppies stayed inside and laid down. After awhile, it was time to put each puppy in and close the door.
I want to make this a positive experience for the puppies so, I gave them a treat. It was a Whimzees dental chew for puppies. This is a first experience for our puppies and it kept them occupied.

Willow’s Puppies
Willow’s puppies did very well. Our grey collar girl wasn’t happy at first but soon settled. The puppies slept for a couple hours. Great job puppies!
Ellie’s Puppies
Ellie’s puppies took a little longer to settle. Our pink collar girl didn’t like the crate at first and it took awhile but she finally stopped whining and slept quietly. Ellie’s litter did a great job sleeping quietly in their crates for their afternoon nap.
The puppies will continue to have naps in their crates for the next few days. Next week we will begin night time in their crate.