Today our last puppy left us and our house is quiet house again but, not for long. Ellie’s puppies are expected in a weeks time. I don’t have time to spend missing our puppies because I have to concentrate on preparations for raising another litter.
Echo was a great mama and did a wonderful job raising her litter. She is now back at home with her guardian family.
Puppy Pick-up days are always busy. Our puppies are bathed, brushed and blow-dried, nails trimmed, ears cleaned and then time to take the adorable Go-Home Picture. As always, some puppies are easier than others to capture their pic but they all look adorable with their fluffy coats and little bandana.
Echo’s Puppies Go-Home Pictures

Saying Good-Bye
It is always a bittersweet time when our puppies leave me and head to their forever families. I love to share the excitement of their forever families but, it is with tears I say goodbye. I have loved and cared for them for the first eight weeks of their lives. I have watched them grow, experience new things, and learn so much. It is now time for their forever families to continue where I left off. The poem below is one I found years ago and it expresses so well how I feel!

I always look forward to hearing how your puppy is doing and seeing pictures of them as they grow. We have set up a litter page of Echo’s litter under the Past Puppy Tab. ! will post updated pictures as we receive them. It is always fun to watch the littermates as they grow!