Seven Weeks Old
Ellie’s puppies are growing and learning new things with each passing day
The puppies have had another busy week experiencing many NEW things. They continue to grow bigger and more adorable each day. The puppies are full of energy and curious about everything. They love outdoor play time where they get lots of exercise running and playing with their littermates. The puppies are still getting a milk snack from Ellie which they never turn down. Ellie is such a good mama and is slowly weaning them. The puppies have now made the transition to eating dry kibble puppy food which they get three times a day. It’s no wonder they are packing on the weight LOL!

new area for puppies to explore
This week we set up a play area for the puppies. This area includes potty box, crates, toys, and an Activity Centre. The puppies always have fun exploring the Activity Centre. This area is separate from the puppies’ sleep area so, when the weather doesn’t co-operate, we have a change of scenery in the new play area.

The puppies are always learning. Not only do we want to build strong bodies, but we also want to build strong minds. Every day is a new opportunity to build our puppies minds by introducing something new. On Monday of last week, the puppies had the challenge of “Learning to go down the steps”. Watch to see which of our puppies mastered the challenge.
Just like children differ from their siblings, puppies also differ from their littermates. Some puppies are braver than others.
Even with lots of encouragement from me, Ellie, Maui, and his littermates, Red Collar Boy just couldn’t get up the courage to master the steps. He went back in the puppy area and cried. Oh well, there is always another day.
Over the next few days, we tried to encourage Red collar boy to master the steps but no success. On Friday, we tried again. Can he do it?
YES …….. that was easy!

Such an exciting day!
Puppy Selection Day
The rain held off for selection day and we were able to have puppy visits outside. As always, some puppies were tired during forever family visits but puppies at this age play hard and then crash to refuel. If your puppy was tired rest sure that they all have energy!
Tom and I had a great time on Saturday meeting all the forever families and introducing them to their puppy. It is a day that we always look forward to because we love to show off our beautiful puppies and share the in excitement of their forever families.

Sunday the puppies had a quiet day catching up on their sleep. Can you find your puppy?
Puppy Play
I thought it would be fun taking a video of our puppies playing from afar. I stood on our deck unnoticed by the puppies and captured five minutes of our puppies’ lives. After a slow morning of lots of sleep our puppies had recharged.
In this video we look back at the past week. It is amazing how much a puppy learns in one week. We explored a new play area, new toys introduced, interaction with adult dogs, playtime with littermates both indoors and outside, and learned to go up and down steps and met lots of different people during selection day. No wonder we have tired puppies!

Lots to experience
- Puppies will continue exploring and playing together inside and outdoors as weather permits
- The puppies will get to run in the BIG yard where we will work on recall
- Ellie along with our other dogs will continue teaching the puppies dog manners
- Crate training begins
- We will continue to encourage puppies to use potty area
- Puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time