Looking Back
Willow’s beautiful three weeks old puppies have been progressing rapidly this week. Not only do they continue to gain weight and grow bigger with each passing day, but their eyes opened fully and their vision is improving. Also, the puppies’ ears have started to opened and they are beginning to hear.
The puppies are more aware of their surroundings and have begun to play with each other during their short “awake” time. During this awake time, they have become quite noisy as they practice their vocalizing. The puppies still sleep much of their day/night.

Puppy Culture
This week the puppies were in the Transitional Period. We continued our ENS exercises which cause tiny stresses in order to benefit our puppies with greater tolerance to stress, greater resistance to disease, faster adrenal system, stronger heart rate and stronger heartbeat. Sunday was Day 16 of the puppies life and the final day for our ENS exercises.
Critical Socialization Period (weeks 3 – 12)
The next period for Willow’s three week old puppies is the Critical Socialization Period. We know that puppies have entered into this period when the react to sounds. We raise our puppies following many of the Puppy Culture protocols. Following these protocols helps us reach our goal “To Raise Healthy, Calm, Confident, Well-Adjusted Puppies“.
Over the remaining weeks we will be working on new experiences for the puppies by exposing them to as many new experiences as possible in order to raise the best possible companion for their forever families.

Emotional Intelligence
Because Goldendoodles are companion dogs, it is important to teach emotional intelligence from young puppies and start them on a great beginning. With this intention we follow the following 7 key things that will nurture the emotional intelligence of a puppy.
- Communication – giving a puppy his own voice i.e. Communication Trinity: power up clicker, box game, manding and attention/distraction protocols
- Emotional stability – the ability to recover easily from fear as well as stress i.e., startle recovery, barrier challenges etc
- Habituation – familiarize the puppies with the maximum number of things during their Critical Development Period. In particular, Puppy Parties, sound protocols, household noises as well as meeting different people and dogs.
- Enrichment – teach the puppies that novelty and challenges are opportunities for enrichment not things to be feared or avoided. For example, ongoing introduction of new novelty items, activity centre, car ride, outdoors, etc.
- Health – physical wellness and motor skills that will allow the puppy to develop in a neurologically and physically sound way . For instance, daily weight checks, grooming, proper nutrition, fecal checks, and deworming, if necessary, vet health checks and vaccinations)
- Skills – learned behaviors which teach the puppy to function in human society i.e. recall, manding, simple commands, potty box training, crate introduction, resource guarding, bite inhibition etc.
- Love – teach puppies to seek out the company of both dogs and humans as emotionally positive experiences: i.e., Daily cuddles with humans and puppy’s mom.
- Shaping emotional responses: happy and calm CER (Conditioned Emotional Responses). For instance, treats and encouragement during puppy training.

Look at Willow’s Three Week Old Puppies
In this video we show each puppy and their markings.
- Listen for the puppies starting to vocalize with little barks and growls.
- Notice the puppies are starting to seek out human attention by crawling on my lap.
Aware of Their Surroundings
This week the puppies have become more aware of their surroundings. The video shows them interacting with their littermates. Because of this interaction, the puppies begin learning dog manners.
Looking Ahead to Week Four
- Puppies will still sleep much of the day/night as they continue to grow rapidly
- Interact with littermates through play which will help develop important social skills
- Practicing walking on all fours and consequently strengthening their hind legs
- Becoming steadier on their feet
- Hearing will improve
- Puppy milk teeth will erupt
- Puppies will be moving to the main floor towards the end of the week