Six Weeks Old
Willow’s puppies are now six weeks old and getting so adorable. . They have grown bigger, and you can see each unique personality starting to develop. We have had another busy week caring for the puppies and introducing them to so many new things. Such as new toys, water bath, crates and the new puppy area. Puppies have now progressed to eating softened kibble. They enjoy running and chasing each other during outdoor play time . Also, potty training is continuing both inside and outside. At this time, they are doing very well using their potty box. We still have an accident here and there but for the most part they are becoming more consistent.
Six Week ‘s Old

Observation Week
Willow’s puppies are now six weeks old and getting so adorable. and they have grown bigger with each passing day. We can see each unique personality starting to develop. It has been another busy week caring for the puppies and introducing them to so many new things. Such as new toys, water bath, crates, the new puppy area, and softened kibble to name a few.
The puppies enjoy running and chasing each other during outdoor play time. Also, potty training is continuing, both inside and outside. which I am pleased to report they are progressing well. They still have an accident here and there but for the most part they are becoming more consistent.
It is amazing to see their unique personality’s develop as they mature. Although each puppy receive the same care from us, they still have their unique personality and approach things differently. So, this week we have been observing the puppies. Firstly we observe how each puppy interacts with their littermates. Another thing we watch is how they approach something new.
New Puppy Area
With potty training well on its way, it was time to say good-bye to the puppies’ home since birth and introduce the puppies to their new home. On Sunday, while the puppies were outside, I started with removing the Whelping Box. Then it was time to set up the new puppy area. Firstly, we set up fencing to keep our puppies safe inside. Secondly, we added the Potty Box, a couple crates, the evaluated dog bed, carpets, water dishes and, lots of new toys for the puppies to play with. Finally, we brought in the puppies and introduced them to their new area.
Introduction to New Things
When raising puppies it is important to build strong bodies but, also strong minds. Because Goldendoodles are very smart, challenging their minds if vital in developing a well-adjusted dog. This is something that forever families will continue to do when they take their puppy home.
From birth we try to teach puppies to be independent and figure things out of themselves such as finding their way to nurse from their mama. . In like manner, we continued this week and challenged the to exit the puppy area and walk to the door to go outside on their own. Some puppies were quick to figure things out but, in due time with daily practice, all our puppies can independently walk to the door and go outside on their own.
Daily Outdoor Play
Indeed, the highlight of the puppies’ day is outdoor play. During this time, they love to run, chase, wrestle and explore. It is important to note that this is also the time when Willow teaches her puppies to listen and submit.
Then, eventually the puppies tire and fall asleep as you can see in the pictures. They were so tired that when I carried them inside, they transferred to their bed without waking up. Equally important to note, as the puppies take a long nap they process into their brains what they learned.

Looking Ahead to Week 7
- Puppies will meet their forever families
- Awake will continue to increase
- Puppies will begin dry kibble by the end of week seven
- We will continue to encourage puppies to use potty box
- Puppies will continue to socialize and learn from each other through play
- Exploring and playing together outdoors as weather permits
- Puppies will continue learning from their mama as she disciplines them and teaches them to behave
- As always, puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time