I am a day late getting Willow’s puppies weekly post out because we were extra busy this weekend celebrating Mother’s Day. The week passes by quickly when raising puppies but, this last week was even more so because we not only had to look after newborn puppies but also had another whelp (Maui’s) on Friday!
Week One

Whelping Day
It is a day that is full of anticipation and awe. I never tire of the miracle of birth and the instincts God has given animals. Willow started the day refusing to eat breakfast which is a sign that she is going into labour. As the rest of the day progressed it was apparent this was the day her puppies would arrive. She slept both inside and out and followed me everywhere. Early afternoon Willow became more restless so we decided to take her upstairs and spend time in the whelping room.

Tail Wrapped
When time gets close for delivery, I wrap the mama’s tail with compression wrap. This helps to keep her tail clean during whelping.
Finally, at 3:57 pm, Willow’s first puppy arrived into the world. It was a cream female and she quickly tended to her new baby. Following, over the next two and a half hours she delivered five more puppies at regular intervals. These puppies were also all girls. Wow, six girls in a row; were we going to get any boys? Forty-Five minutes later, Willow delivered her first boy followed by another boy just eleven minutes apart.
Willow then settled in to care for her eight newborns. Then, after a hour whelping pause, she deliveried her last puppy, a beautiful black male.

Willow had a smooth whelp, delivering nine puppies in four and a half hours. Well done Willow!
Congratulations Willow and Brinkley on another gorgeous litter of puppies with a variety of colours of cream, apricot and black abstracts and stunning Blue and Chocolate Merles!
They produce amazing puppies because of Willow’s strict puppy rearing skills and Brinkley’s wonderful, calm, laidback disposition.
We are looking forward to seeing these puppies grow!

Settling into a Routine
Neonatal Period
Newborn puppies are in the Neonatal Period. During this time, they spend their days eating and sleeping. Willow has done an amazing job caring for her new babies. I have been pleased at our daily weigh-in’s and I’m happy to say that they have all been gaining weight steadily.
On Wednesday, day three we began our ENS exercises. These exercises are done daily from day 3 – day 16. Through ENS, we introduce little stresses to the puppies which has been proven to produce calmer puppies. It also produces greater tolerance to stress, greater resistance to disease, faster adrenal system, stronger heart rate and stronger heartbeats.
Part of raising well-adjusted puppies is socialization. We handle our puppies from birth. When our mama’s are comfortable, we start to let others cuddle the puppies too. Having a large family with 12 grandchildren makes for a built in Puppy Party. Willow was tolerant with people holding her puppies so, they received lots of socialization this weekend. This is because my grandchildren are always excited and willing to help cuddle the puppies🥰.

Looking Back at Week One
`Sleep, eat, and more sleep. Newborn puppies sleep more than 22 hours a day!

Puppies Returning to Whelping Box
- Much the same as week one – Eat, Sleep, Repeat!
- Puppies will continue growing rapidly
- Puppies still crawl; hind legs will become stronger
- Contunie ENS
- Eyes should begin to open towards the end of the week – so exciting !!!