“Twenty-One Puppies To Love And Cuddle”

I am definitely very busy with twenty-one puppies to care for but, I love this job. Who could tire of puppy cuddles and looking at those adorable faces? Not me!

Ellie’s Puppies

During the first two weeks of a puppies life, they spend 90% of their time sleeping. Now that Ellies’s milk is in they are satisfied for a longer time in-between feedings. Ellie has started to spend short periods of time away from her puppies

When it comes to matters of the potty, puppies need their mothers help at first. For the first couple of weeks or so, newborn puppies do not instinctively know how to nor do they possess the ability to eliminate themselves without their mother cleaning them. Ellie has an around the clock job feeding and keeping her babies clean.

Ellie has a full time job caring for eleven puppies

Puppies have already changed since they were born. Their fur is already growing, they are bigger and their pigmentation is developing. Notice in the photo below the puppy’s nose and pads. When the puppies were born, they had those adorable pink noses. They are now darkening and will soon be black or possibly brown. Elie’s puppies are growing up!

Notice pigment in puppy’s nose, lips and foot pads changing colour

Watch closely and you can see the puppies “twitch”. Twitching in puppies has a very important function and is a sign of healthy development. It is believed that twitching actually helps the puppy develop strong muscles.

Pics of those adorable babies

paw prints

Ruska’s Puppies

Ruska’s puppies are seven weeks old and have an important week of learning. Ruska will continue teaching and disciplining her puppies. This week she will teach her puppies to submit. In the pictures below you can see a couple puppies in the submit position – lying on their backs.

Ruska teaching her puppies to submit

Ruska’s puppies at play

Look How Adorable Our Seven Weeks Old Puppies Are

Ruska’s Puppies

March 21, 2021 – 49 DAYS OLD

Seven Weeks Old Today – Can you pick out your Puppy?


Our puppies are now seven weeks old. They have grown bigger and are adorable little fur balls that are full of energy. The puppies are curious about everything and love outdoor play time. Our mornings are cold but our puppies still want outside first thing. Ruska takes them out to nurse for a couple minutes and she then begins her discipline. It is very chilly at 7 am so I only let the puppies stay out ten minutes before I bring them in for their breakfast. The puppies have now made the transition to eating dry kibble puppy food. 

One of the highlights of raising our puppies is Selection Day. We love the excitement in the air as we introduce the puppies to their forever families. With covid restrictions we had no choice but to do selection outdoors, so I have been praying for good weather. I am thankful that God blessed our day with sunny warm weather to welcome the first day of spring and our forever families! Ruska, Tom and I so enjoyed meeting everyone and getting to know the forever families a little better!

The puppies had a busy day with so many families to meet. It was very tiring for them and they were taking naps any chance they could get. When all was said and done, they ate their dinner and settled in for a good long sleep LOL!


  • Puppies will continue exploring and playing together inside and outdoors as weather permits
  • Puppies will continue learning from their Mama and the rest of our dogs.
  • We will continue to encourage puppies to use potty area
  • Puppies will be introduced to the crate
  • Puppies will visit the vet for their check-ups, Immunizations and micro chips
  • Puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time
  • Puppies will start to leave for their forever families

Ellie’s Puppies

We have been busy both day and night taking care of and making sure all is going well with our tiny new arrivals. Puppies can loose up to 10% of their birth weight in the first 24 hours. I am happy to say, half of Ellie’s puppies lost only 2 – 5 % and the rest actually gained weight.

Ellie is an amazing and devoted mama. She is loving and protective and constantly caring for her babies. Because she has 11 puppies, she can not feed everyone at the same time; they have to feed in shifts. Most of the time some puppies are sleeping while the other nurse but, if everyone is awake at the same time, I put three puppies in the “waiting box” to settle and wait for their turn. I continue to be pleased at our daily weigh in – everyone is gaining nicely! Newborn puppies grow and develop so quickly it is no wonder that all they do is eat and sleep.

Ellie’s sweet newborn babies

Look At Ellie’s Beautiful Babies Single Pics

Happy Spring!

Ellie’s Puppies

Ellie is taking such good care of her tiny babies. She spends her days and nights cleaning, feeding and cuddling them so they stay warm. Yesterday our puppies turned three days old so, it was time to undertake the task of getting Puppy Singles. With my daughter by my side, we began and were so amazed that this photo shoot went much smoother than Ruska’s puppies three day shoot. Ruska didn’t like her babies away from her and had to be right on the bed with the puppy making it harder for the puppy to stay still – they could smell their mama. Ellie didn’t fuss at all when I removed her tiny babies one at a time to take some photos, she stayed in the whelping box with her remaining babies. She did keep a watchful eye on us though and made sure she cleaned her baby when it was returned to her. Most of the puppies settle fairly fast and I was able to quickly capture them but some puppies would not settle; the fur carpet that they were on must of reminded them of their mama because they kept crawling around trying to find her LOL! We finally captured all of Ellie’s Beautiful Babies!

The Boys

Black Collar Boy
Grey Collar Boy
Light Blue Collar Boy
Dark Blue Collar Boy
Dark Green Collar Boy
Red Collar Boy

The Girls

Purple Collar Girl
Dark Pink Collar Girl
Orange Collar Girl
Light Pink Collar Girl
Light Green Collar Girl
paw prints

Ruska’s Puppies

Yay – It’s Visitation day!

Looking forward to meeting our Forever Families!

The Excitement And Awe Of Whelping Day

Ellie’s Puppies

The excitement of whelping day has been building since Sunday when Ellie’s whelping window week began. Everything is prepared in advance. The whelping box is cleaned and set up in our bedroom and all the tools needed are ready and waiting for the arrival of the puppies.

Whelping box ready and waiting

Ellie had started digging the past couple of days – on the carpet, on the couch and in her whelping box.; a sign that labor would begin any day. Ellie was following us everywhere we would go but, that is not different than usual – she is my “velcro” dog.

Tuesday afternoon she started digging again on our corner sectional and my husband Tom informed me she was panting. I decided to take her upstairs to my bedroom and sat with her in the Whelping Box so she could labor their in peace, away from our other dogs. It wasn’t long before her first baby came into the world.

After a puppy is born the mother dog removes the puppy from its sac, severs the umbilical cord and begins the cleaning process. This is when the puppy begins taking their first breath. The pups stay with their mom for awhile after birth to keep warm.

Ellie cleans her first baby. The heater noise is in the background but, listen for the soft high pitched squealing from the puppy as she gets cleaned.
After mama is done cleaning, the newborn puppy which is unable to see or hear, can crawl to its mother and begin it’s first meal
Newborn puppy’s first meal.

After the newborn puppy has nursed, we then towel dry them, examine them, weigh them, and record their birth weight. Finally we put collars on – a different colour for each puppy – to keep track of their progress in the coming days and weeks.

After getting towel dried, weighed and the I.D. collar on, the puppy is returned to it’s mama. Ellie thinks her baby needs another cleaning!
Ellie’s newborn baby cuddles with mama to keep warm before the next puppy arrives. Ellie has lots of work ahead of her.
The newborn puppy is placed in a “warming box” to keep warm while it’s mama brings her next baby into the world

When Ellie whelped her final puppy, number eleven, she settled in and began caring for her new tiny babies. Well done Ellie!

Ellie’s newborn litter – some puppies are nursing and some have fallen asleep cuddling with their mama to keep warm

The miracle of a new life is so precious and I never tire of watching these helpless tiny puppies come into the world. Again I am in awe at the instincts God has given animals; they just know what to do!

paw prints

Ruska’s Puppies

Ruska’s puppies are almost seven weeks old and have an abundance of energy. My summer litters of puppies start getting the run of our yard at this age. With the melting snow and rain that spring brings, my yard is too muddy to let the puppies play in. So, when it is time for outdoor play, Ruska leads her puppies out the door and into the fenced enclosure on our deck. This doesn’t always work because Ruska wants her puppies to run in the yard with her. Sometimes instead of going into the enclosure she tries to lead them off the deck and into the yard. I have to call her back and reminder her to take the puppies into the fenced enclosure on our deck. Most of the puppies go in but we always get one or two that try to run and discover what’s beyond the deck. Our other dogs run after them barking and the explorers quickly come to me and join the rest of their littermates.

I have tried to challenge our puppies by introducing something new every few days. When I add new toys to our indoor play area, the puppies notice right away and suddenly they all have a new favourite toy – what smart puppies to have such good observation skills!

The past couple days during outside play we introduced a tunnel for the puppies. They were so curious and took to it right away. The puppies have so much fun running through the tunnel, playing hide-n-seek in it and chasing each other through it. It is so much fun to watch them!

A new blue tunnel for puppies to play in
Puppies playing in the basket – Ruska comes by and all the puppies stop their play to watch their mama

One more sleep until the puppies meet their forever families!

Sweet dreams puppies!

Indoor Play On A Raining Thursday

Ruska’s Puppies

Today it’s raining, so the puppies had indoor play this morning. Willow is still fascinated with the puppies and loves to watch them play. They are becoming more active with each passing day! When they wake they have so much energy – they run, wrestle and play and then, quickly drop off for a nap to recharge. This afternoon’s weather forecast is calling for the rain to stop so, I’m sure our puppies will enjoy going outside and playing in a the larger outdoor area.

Saturday is approaching quickly and the weather forecast looks promising for our Selection Day – sunny and warm with a high of 12 c – Yeah! We are looking forward to introducing our puppies to their forever families!

paw prints

Ellie’s Puppies

Ellie is such an attentive mama. Since the puppies were born, I have had to drag her out of her whelping box by her collar to go outside for a potty break. Yesterday afternoon when I took her outside for her break, I thought she needed a little exercise. We played her favourite game – Fetch with her Kong ‘squeaky’ tennis ball. She loves to run after it and then she will ‘squeak’ it all the way back, drop it at my feet and wait for me to throw it again. Usually Ellie never tires of this game but, yesterday after about five minutes, she headed to the door and wanted to go back inside. She headed right back upstairs to our bedroom, and back into her whelping box to care for her tiny babies.

A Few Pics Of Our Newborn Puppies
Newborn puppies spend their time eating and sleeping

Exciting News…Ellie and Brinkley’s Puppies Have Arrived!

L.A. Doodles Is Excited To Announce Ellie and Brinkley’s Puppies Have Arrived

Born March 16, 2021

They Welcomed 11 Puppies

6 Boys And 5 Girls

Yesterday evening was a busy time and a night of little sleep. Eleven puppies – WOW! Ellie did an amazing job! Whelping is hard work!. Over the next few days and nights, we will be staying right by Ellie’s side making sure things are going smoothly. Ellie now has a “round the clock job”. She will spend her days and nights cleaning, feeding, and keeping her babies warm. She doesn’t want to leave their side – It’s hard for me to get Ellie to leave the whelping box for a potty break – She is a such an amazing mama!

A tired mama; Well done Ellie!

Look At Ruska’s Adorable Babies Pose For Their Singles

It has been on my “TO DO LIST” for the past few days to take updated puppy pic’s. Finally this morning we undertook the task. I am definitely not a photographer and the puppies never stay still long enough to get a good picture without a blur, however after many takes, we accomplished the task! I know that I am a bit bias, but don’t you think these puppies are so adorable!!!

The Boys

Black Collar Boy
Dark Blue Collar Boy
Yellow Collar Boy
Orange Collar Boy
Light Blue Collar Boy

The Girls

Purple Collar Girl
Pink Collar Girl
Grey Collar Girl
Green Collar Girl
Red Collar Girl

Our Sweet Six Weeks Old Puppies are growing up!

March 14, 2021 – DAY 42

Ruska’s Sweet Six Week Old Puppies


Six weeks old today. We have had another busy week caring for the puppies and introducing them to so many new things. They have grown bigger and you can see each unique personality developing. Puppies have now progressed to eating softened kibble. The food which we switched them to seems to be agreeing with them. They enjoy running and chasing each other during outside play time and also have fun inside with their activity centre. Ruska is now teaching them to submit and our other dogs are helping out with this. 

I am teaching “The Puppy Call” – Ruska and the other dogs are helping guide puppies into their fenced enclosure.


  • Puppies time spent awake will continue to increase
  • Puppies will begin dry kibble by the end of week seven
  • We will continue to encourage puppies to use potty area
  • Puppies will continue to socialize and learn from each other through play
  • Puppies will continue exploring and playing together outdoor as weather permits
  • Puppies will continue learning from their mama as she disciplines them and teaches them to behave 
  • Puppies will be meeting their forever families
  • As always, puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time.

Look At Our Puppies Enjoying Some Saturday Fun!

This week we have had a couple technical difficulties making life a little more challenging. On Tuesday we had a power outage lasting eight hours so we had to feed and care for the puppies by candle light. Then Wednesday my computer developed a sudden problem. I opened it up and got a black screen even though the power was on. Since then, I have been using my phone for emails but I am borrowing my daughters computer to post our blog. (Hopefully my son will be able to figure out the problem and get my computer working again.)

The puppies are growing bigger and more active by the day. Even though this morning was a cold one, Ruska wanted her puppies outside. They got some exercise running and playing on the deck before they came back inside for their breakfast. The puppies enjoyed their morning playtime in our front hall.

Saturday Fun

So Exciting, Our Puppies First Taste Of The Outdoors

Yesterday was an exciting day for our puppies, We were blessed with a warm sunny day, so I decided to take the puppies outside for some exercise. We set some fencing up on our deck and then brought the puppies out. Ruska was so excited that her puppies were finally able to go out with her and our other dogs joined in the excitement as well. The puppies enjoyed their time exploring, running, playing together and even ate their lunch outside.

Notice our puppies are now wearing “big puppy collars”. Our puppies look so grown up!

A Taste of Fresh Air