A Rare Awake Time For Our Puppies

The puppies are starting to notice their litter mates and beginning to interact. They still sleep most of the time but during a couple of their rare “awake times” I captured a couple videos. They are starting to vocalize and play but then, just as quickly as they woke, they settle back to sleep!

A quick burst of energy and then sleeping again
Green Girl wants to play
Hey, I have my eyes open
Hurry and take the pic before I fall asleep!

Yes, sleep again

A comfy headrest
Our sweet grey girl wanted to sleep alone
Sweet dreams!

We Are Excited To Announce Ellie and Brinkley Are Expecting!

We are excited to announce that Ellie and Brinkley are expecting! Ellie’s due date is March 18, 2021. Their previous litter produced calm and loving puppies in a variety of colours – red, blonde and chocolates. We expect at least 50% flat coats.

Ellie is our beautiful Cafe au Lait Standard Poodle. She is a smart, loving, gentle dog. Her favourite place to be is by my side. Ellie was a wonderful mother to her first litter of puppies. Brinkley is our handsome flat coat goldendoodle from Ruska and Tulo’s litter. He is a calm, gentle dog who is very smart and always willing to please. 

The past few weeks, Ellie’s energy and appetite have decreased. Ellie is getting lots of rest as those little ones grow. Brinkley is so sweet. We have found him keeping her company on the sofa while she napped. Over the next week Ellie will begin increasing her food intake and activity level and we will continue to give her lots of attention and the best of care. 

paw prints

Ruska’s Puppies

Ruska’s puppies are now 18 days old today. All their eyes are now open and over the next few day, their ears will be opening as well. The puppies continue to eat, sleep and grow. I really noticed how much they have grown……they filled the laundry basket that I put them in while I was clean out their whelping box.

Use the slider to compare newborn puppies to the puppies today @ 18 days old – Look how much they have grown!
A clean whelping box again!

Look At Those Beautiful Eyes!

The puppies continue to do what newborn puppies do best – eat, sleep, repeat. Eight of our ten puppies now have their eyes opened. I alway think they look so different when they open their eyes! They can only see light and shadows right now but with each passing day and week, their vision will continue to improve.

Red Collar Girl
The puppies continue to grow stronger and more mobile. We have added the first level door partition into the entrance of our whelping box.In the past, puppies have been known to climb out and explore! LOL
Ruska get anxious when it is time to clean the whelping box so, we send her outside for a little exercise during this time. Today she came back before we had finished. She kept an eye on everything. Ruska wanted to make sure every one of her babies was returned. Notice in this video the puppies eyes open and they are practicing walking on all fours. Their hind legs are getting stronger
The puppies snuggle together after nursing
Puppies like to snuggle under the “pig rails” – they feel secure in this confined space.

Two Weeks Old And Oh How They’ve Grown!

February 14TH, 2021 – DAY 14 – 2 WEEKS OLD

Happy Valentine’s Day from our two week old puppies !


Our puppies are already two weeks old. We have had a great week! Watching and cuddle puppies are one of my favourite ways to pass time. Some of my grandchildren have helped me with the cuddling this week. Puppies have gained strength in their hind legs and are moving around the whelping box faster. Ruska continues to be a loving and attentive mama. They are gaining weight daily. With all that eating and sleeping they can’t help but grow. 

Saturday was an exciting day ….. we saw some of the puppies eyes beginning to open. Over the next few days, all the puppies eyes will be opened. Their vision is not well developed just yet but it will improve over the coming weeks.

Notice puppies eyes are opened – so exciting!

Sleeping puppies return to cleaned whelping box

What do two week old puppies do? Sleep……


Ruska returns to whelping box to feed her puppies

….and then, sleep again!


  • Puppies will still eat and sleep most of their day
  • Puppies will continue growing 
  • Eyes will continue to open wider and sight will slowly become clearer
  • Ears will start to open and they will begin to hear (though not well yet)
  • Puppies hind legs will become stronger and they will practice walking on all fours
  • Puppies will become more aware of their litter-mates.

Milestone Weight Check…..How Are Our Puppies Doing?

Day 11 – Thursday February 11, 2021

Ideally puppies should double their birth weight between ten to fourteen days. We have had four puppies reach this milestone with the rest of our puppies on track to double their weight by day fourteen. Ruska is doing a great job feeding her little ones!

We have a daily routine caring for our puppies. We weight each puppy daily and record their weight in the log. This helps us track each puppy’s growth. Healthy puppies should gain weight every day. At this time, we also check their collars and adjust any that have become snug. Puppies grow so fast, so it is important to check them a few times a day. Then we clean and disinfect their whelping box. Finally, we line the bottom of the whelping box with a clean “Vet Bed”, a product that resembles sheepskin. I love this man-made product because it is easy to clean and keeps the puppies dry, warm, comfortable and provides good traction. A puppy moves forward by pushing its hind legs backwards. When a newborn puppy is placed on a surface with inadequate traction, its feet can slide right out from under it and may cause the legs to extend and adduct. By providing a surface with great traction (Vet Bed) when the puppies are moving around and learning to walk helps reduce the stress on their growing joints.

More Puppy Pics

Next Milestone

The next development we look forward to is the puppies eyes opening. If you look closely at the inner corner of the puppy’s eyes, they are beginning to unseal. The opening process happens slowly over a two day period. So exciting!

10 Days Old Today

Last week was a week of new life. In addition to our puppies arrival, Thursday, February 4th we welcomed our ninth grandchild into our family. Robbie,(my forth born son) and his wife Chelsea welcomed their first child, a sweet baby girl. Sadly because of restrictions, we were not able to make our usual excited trip to the hospital to meet her – so, she shall be know as our “Covid Baby” LOL Hopefully before she is too old, this pandemic will be a thing of the past.

Ruska continues to be a wonderful mama and dedicated to caring for her babies. The puppies are gaining weight daily and continue to do what healthy puppies do – Eat, Sleep, and grow!

Notice in this video the puppies are maturing – their heads are changing shape and you can see their eyes that are still sealed shut, developing. When the puppies turn two weeks old, we will see their eyes begin to open.
After a good meal there is no better place to sleep than snuggling with mama
Pink Girl is relaxed and sleeping on her back – a favourite doodle sleep position LOL!
After nursing, Ruska checks and cleans her puppies. Some of the puppies were hoping their mama would stay in the whelping box so they could cuddle but that wasn’t in the plan. Ruska is now spending some of her time sleeping outside the whelping box. This helps the puppies begin the transition of becoming more independent. Some of the pups took awhile to find a comfy place to sleep!

Our Precious Puppies Are One Week Old Today

FebruaRy 7TH, 2019 – DAY 7 – 1 WEEK OLD

one week old


Wow, our precious puppies are one week old today. We have had a busy week! For the first few weeks of life, a puppy cannot regulate their own body temperature. They need a warm space, their mother, and littermates to help keep them warm. This is a winter litter, and I can’t rely on the sunshine to keep my room extra warm as I do with summer litters. We have added an electric heater to our room to help keep the temperature at a warm 29 degrees C.

Ruska is a wonderful mama. For the first 3 days of the puppies lives she spent all her time in the whelping box with the them, keeping them warm, clean and making sure they nursed often. In the past, I had to encourage her to eat and drink but after this whelp, she had a good appetite and drank plenty of water from the start. For the last few days she has been spending some time away from them. She enjoyed a little exercise in the yard with our other dogs. Ruska looked so happy being able to run again, which is something she wasn’t able to do the last week or so of pregnancy. She even found a large stick in the yard to chew LOL! But as soon as she came in the house again, she ran upstairs check on her babies. 

Puppies are born with their eyes and ears sealed shut; they cannot see or hear. They have to rely on “smell” and “touch” to find their mother. Puppies are born with a natural instinct to nurse but as the days pass, they have become more proficient at it. The puppies are now experts at nursing; they can smell when Ruska returns to the whelping box. They wake and make a mad dash to find her and begin their next meal.

Notice the puppies are beginning to use their hind legs as they move. Ruska spent some time cleaning them before letting them nurse..


  • Much the same as week one – Eat, Sleep, Repeat!
  • Puppies will continue growing 
  • Puppies still crawl; hind legs will become stronger
  • Eyes should begin to open towards the end the week – so exciting !!!

Saturday Morning Feed

The first two weeks of a puppies life they spend 90% of their time sleeping. Now that Ruska’s milk is in they are satisfied for a longer time in-between feedings.

When it comes to matters of the potty, puppies need their mothers help at first. For the first few weeks newborn puppies do not instinctively know how to nor do they possess the ability to eliminate themselves without their mother cleaning them. Ruska has an around the clock job feeding and keeping her babies clean.

Saturday Morning Feed
Puppies fall asleep with full tummies, cuddling with their mama.

Pics of those adorable faces

Day 5

The puppies routine today is the same as in previous days…..eat and sleep. They love to cuddle with Ruska after they have full tummies but when mama is not in the whelping box, they huddle together to keep warm.

Puppy Huddles

Group Huddles

A row of puppies

Buddy Huddles

Two puppies in the “Waiting Box” until it is their turn to eat. Ruska can only feed a maximum of eight puppies at one time. When everyone wants to eat at the same time, I put two puppies in a little box so they don’t get frustrated trying to find a spot to nurse.

Photo Comparison

Puppies have already changed since they were born. Their fur is already growing, they are bigger and their pigmentation is developing. Notice in this comparison photo the puppy’s nose and pads. When the puppies were born, they had those adorable pink noses. They are now darkening and will soon be black. Ruska’s puppies are growing up!

Move the slider on the photo to see the comparison of developing pigmentation