We have been busy both day and night taking care of Ruska and making sure all is going well with our tiny new arrivals. Puppies can loose up to 10% of their birth weight in the first 24 hour. I am happy to say, all of the puppies have re-gained their birthweight and more.
Ruska is an amazing mama. She is loving and protective and constantly caring for her babies. Because she has 10 puppies, she can not feed everyone at the same time; they have to feed in shifts. We give extra attention making sure all the puppies get their share of milk. I continue to be pleased at our daily weigh in ………. everyone is gaining nicely! Newborn puppies grow and develop so quickly it is no wonder that all they do is eat and sleep.
Puppies sleeping, Watch closely and you can see the puppies “twitch”. Twitching in puppies has a very important function and is a sign of healthy development. It is believed that twitching actually helps the puppy develop strong muscles.
Light Blue Boy was wondering where his mama went. Ruska left the whelping box and wanted to go out side, but she returned to see what the crying was about!
Puppies return to their whelping box after it has been cleaned. Yes, all these babies do is eat and sleep!
Today we made an attempt to take singles of Ruska’s puppies. My daughter in law is a great photographer and in the past she usually does this for me but, with our lock down in place, it wasn’t possible. So my husband Tom and my daughter Kendra helped me undertake the task. It was hard work trying to keep these little puppies still. I think they thought the fluffy rug we placed them on felt like Ruska. They wouldn’t stay still and kept moving to find her. LOL! After over an hour, we were finally successful and captured the singles of their adorable faces!
The anticipation and excitement of the arrival of puppies mounts as the days pass by during the Whelping Week. Everything is prepared in advance. The whelping box is cleaned and set up in our bedroom and all the tools needed are ready and waiting for the pending arrival of the puppies. Each night of the week before going to bed I wonder, “will this be the night”, only to wake in the morning with the realization we will still have to wait another day.
On Sunday we were certain that Ruska was finally going into labor. She becomes very clingy and follows us everywhere we go. That afternoon she had made a comfy spot on our corner sectional with blankets and pillows. She even brought one of her stuffed animals with her. I decided to keep her calm and let her labor there. When she started to whelp at 5:30 pm, we moved her to her whelping box in my bedroom to bring her babies into the world.
The miracle of a new life is so precious and I am always amazed at the instincts God has given animals; they just know what to do! I am so thankful to be able to help these puppies into the world!
VIDEO – Ruska cleans a newborn puppy after removing it from the sac. The mother dog severs the umbilical cord and begins the cleaning process. This is when the puppy begins taking their first breath. The pups stay with their mom for awhile after birth to keep warm. We then examine them, towel dry them, weigh them, and record their birth weight. Finally we put collars on – a different coloured for each puppy – to keep track of their progress in the coming days and weeks.After getting cleaned a newborn puppy cuddles with Ruska to keep warm.Newborn puppy getting towel dried
Puppies are cuddling in the “warming box” while Ruska delivers another puppy. It is important to keep newborn puppies warm as they cannot regulate their own body temperature and must be warm before they can nurse.
We get newborn puppies nursing as soon as possible to get all the important first milk – colostrum. It helps build immunity, as they are born with none. This protein-rich special milk provides passive immunity in dogs. It can last several weeks and protect them from various infections and diseases.Our last puppy #10, was born at 10:59 pm After the last puppy was born, we cleaned the whelping box and put clean bedding in. Ruska looks tired after whelping her ten puppies. She had a long night ahead of her feeding and caring for her precious tiny babies. Well done Ruska!!!
Yesterday evening was a busy time and a night of little sleep. Ruska did an amazing job! Whelping is hard work, even for a seasoned mama like Ruska. Over the next few days and nights, we will be staying right by Ruska’s side making sure things are going smoothly. Ruska now has a “round the clock job”. She will spend her days and nights cleaning, feeding, and keeping her babies warm. Ruska is such an amazing mama!
Ruska is now in the “Whelping Week Window” of her pregnancy and is noticeably larger. She is doing well; getting lots of rest, pampering, and love. Her tummy continues to expand which is making her more uncomfortable with each passing day. The only exercise she is getting is a little run in the yard during bathroom break and moving to different spots in the house trying to find a more comfortable spot to sleep. Ruska has become less active and her appetite has decreased which are signs that she will soon begin whelping.
Our Shaggy Mama
Usually by this time in her pregnancy, Ruska has gone to the groomers for a haircut and tummy shave to prepare for her puppies arrival, but not this time. With our province wide lock down, our groomers are closed so, with my daughters help, we used scissors to trim some of her tummy hair. I’m definitely not going to take up dog grooming, – Lol – our job doesn’t look the best but the tummy trim will help when her puppies nurse. This litter of puppies are going to have a shaggy mama.
Whelping Box Ready and Waiting
Last week we set up the whelping box in our bedroom. I like to introduce it to her early, so she gets comfortable with it and hopefully she will begin her whelping there. We expect that the puppies will arrive any day now and we will then be busy helping Ruska care for her little ones – I can’t wait!
As everyone knows, Goldendoodle’s are an intentional cross breed of the Poodle and the Golden Retriever breed. The Poodle was named after “splashing in water” because these dogs were originally bred to be water retrievers. Their job was to bring ducks and other birds back to their masters. The Golden Retriever is also a gun dog that was bred to retrieve shot waterfowl, such as ducks and upland game birds, during hunting. Both these breeds love the water so it’s no surprise that the Goldendoodle also love the water. It is said that the only thing a Goldendoodle likes more than water is the snow. All of our dogs love the water and the snow with the exception of Ellie. She doesn’t enjoy going in the water even on the hottest summer day. I have to force her into the dog pool to cool off in the summer. Ellie does love the snow though and is a true retriever.Her favourite toy is a tennis ball and Ellie never tires of a game of fetch.
Ellie is hanging on tight to her tennis ball. Ruska loves to steal it from her.
We are now into the new year and with it came the “lockdown” making our days quiet around here. We are not allowed to visit inside our home but we are able to visit for outdoor activities by social distancing with a maximum of 10 people. We have taken advantage of this to keep in touch with our family and their dogs of course. Our fire pit has already had more use this winter than previous years.
We had Kona and Echo over to our house to play. Kona is my son Robbie’s dog from Ruska’s first litter and Echo is my son Blake’s dog from Ruska’s third litter. All the dogs love getting together for playdates. No need for “social distancing” for them! LOL
My husband Tom playing with the dogs in the snow.
The countdown is on…..we are excited for Ruska and Tulo’s upcoming litter of puppies due at the end of January. Ruska is an independent dog but when she is expecting puppies she enjoys getting lots of TLC. It’s important for Ruska to continue to get exercise, high quality food and lots rest.
Ruska resting after fun in the snow
When Ellie and Willow, our other two females went into heat , we sent Brinkley to my son Mark’s family for a visit with his father Tulo. They have been having a great time together!
Mark has been working hard this winter making a skating rink for my grandchildren. It takes many hours of flooding on cold nights and staying off the ice if the days are mild to make a smooth ice surface. It appears Brinkley has been more impatient then anyone and is wanting to “try it out”.
On a mild day Brinkley walked on the skating rink leaving behind foot prints.
Tulo, Brinkley’s dad, knows the rules – Stay Off the Ice. Mark has been trying to teach Brinkley to “stay off the ice” too, and thought that he had finally succeeded. So as you can imagine, Mark was not to happy with him when he discovered Brinkley enjoying himself one morning, rolling on his back on the ice rink. You can see Tulo watching him in the very bottom of this short video. Tulo knows how to obey! LOL
VIDEO – Brinkley enjoying rolling on his back on the ice. You can see Tulo watching him in the very bottom of the video. He knows how to obey! LOL
Ruska was breed to Tulo at the end of November for their fourth and final litter of puppies; then the waiting began to confirm pregnancy. I intently watched for the signs such as a decreased appetite, morning sickness, overly tired, and a change in mood – Ruska showed all of them. She even repeatedly began taking her stuffy toy outside and back in again. Yes, it looked very promising that she was expecting but I am never completely confident of pregnancy until l use my doppler and hear those tiny heartbeats.
There are various ways to confirm pregnancy. Ranging from abdominal palpation, an ultrasound performed early in pregnancy or waiting patiently for five weeks until Day 35 and using a Doppler Ultrasound.
My impatience got the best of me today and even though it is only Day 31, I decided to try the Doppler Ultrasound early. If I don’t hear a heartbeat, this will make the waiting till Day 35 all the harder. I decided to take the chance anyway. After breakfast, I got Ruska to lay down on our living room floor and I began the process of finding heartbeats.
Ruska’s tummy is full of fur making it an even more difficult task…..
we were successful as we found puppy heartbeats!
L.A. Doodles is excited to announce that Ruska and Tulo areexpecting. The puppies should arrive at the end of January 2021. As in their previous litters, we expect calm loving temperaments and multiple coat types – curly, wavy, and flat coats.
Ellie and Ruska went to the groomers for a well deserved break, to be pampered and a much needed grooming. They were overdue for a haircut because they were busy looking after their adorable puppies. We thought we would get a picture of them before they went into the yard to play. Ruska has been known to jump into our pond soon after her return home!
Going Home Photo’s
Ellie and Brinkley’s 2020 LITTER
Cora – Orange Girl
Ellie and Brinkley’s litter August 8, 2020
Jax – Blue Boy
Percy – Yellow Boy
Nile – Black Boy
Ruby – Maroon Girl
Today we said goodbye to our last puppy, Black Collar Boy Nile. Ellie and I have spent the past nine weeks loving, caring and teaching her puppies. It is now up to their forever families to continue where we left off.
Continue to provide new experiences each day, always include play, and never stop training your puppy. It won’t be easy because they are still young with so much to learn but, with patience and consistency on your part, they will grow to become well-behaved adult dogs that you will enjoy for their lifetime. I am so thankful that our puppies have joined amazing families and know each of our puppies will be loved and have a wonderful life!
Keep in touch, I want to know how your puppy is doing! I am always so excited when I receive an e-mail from one of our puppies families. I love seeing pictures of them as they grow! I have posted this poem before……..it describes exactly how I feel!
All our puppies have gone to their forever families. I will miss their cuddles and kisses. I am looking forward to our next litter of puppies but, January seems so far away until we welcome Ruska and Tulo’s final litter!
How quickly the time has passed. Remembering the day Ellie’s puppies were born and the excitement of helping Ellie whelp her litter of five tiny helpless little puppies. They couldn’t see, hear or walk. They have learned so much during the past eight weeks. I have enjoyed raising them to the point where they are ready to join their forever families. This past week we have worked on what is acceptable behaviour – mainly the difference between nipping and kisses. Puppies are not alway consistent but, have made great progress in this area. I just love puppy kisses!!!
Bathing puppies before they go home
Last playtimes together
Our Chocolate Yellow Collar Puppy ready and waiting for his forever family. He is playing with his ball.
Puppies are leaving for their forever homes. Lots of work lies ahead for your family as you continue teaching your puppy! They are still learning, but the time and work you put in pays off when you have a loving well behaved dog that will love you as only a dog can – unconditionally. You will be the most important person in the world to them.
I have mixed emotions saying goodbye to our puppies. I have enjoyed every minute of their care and they have a piece of my heart. It is with sadness and through tears I say goodbye to each puppy but it does bring me joy to see their excited families smiles and to know that our puppies are joining such wonderful forever families.
The rain finally stopped and we have a lovely day for outdoor exercise. The puppies just love to spend their time outside playing and exploring. They run, chase, wrestle, and explore. I’m enjoying my last few days with Ellie’s puppies. I love puppy kisses and cuddles!
VIDEO – Puppies playing tug-of-war with their toy. Who will win?
Puppies Love Outdoor Play!
VIDEO – Black and Blue Collar Boys were play fighting. When it got a little too loud, Daddy Brinkley broke it up with one bark! LOL