Look How Ruska’s Puppies Have Grown…….It’s Amazing !

This past week our puppies started heading to their forever homes. Yesterday our last puppy from Ruska and Tulo’s litter, Blue Collar Boy, went home with his forever family. It was a busy time preparing the puppies to go home. They had their nails trimmed, bath, and blow dry. Some of the puppies were so calm and behaved, while others were trying to make their escape. We snapped a memory photo of each puppy after they were ready. All in all, they did well and our puppies looked amazing!!!

Going Home Photo’s

Ruska and Tulo’s 2020 Litter

I have spent the past nine weeks loving, caring and teaching our puppies. It is now up to their forever families to continue.

Continue to provide new experiences each day, always include play, and never stop training your puppy. It won’t be easy because they are still young but, with patience and consistency on your part, they will grow to become well-behaved adult dogs that you will enjoy for their lifetime. I am so thankful that our puppies have joined amazing families and know each of our puppies will be loved and have a wonderful life!

Keep in touch ….. it makes my day when I receive an e-mail from one of our puppies families. I love hearing how they are doing and seeing pictures them as they grow ! I came across this poem (below) and felt it describes exactly how I feel!

Please Don’t Forget Your Breeder
I knew from day one not every puppy could stay
Preparing them for life took many hours of each day
I loved every minute watching them develop and thrive
Helping them discover the world fills me with pride
The weeks were numbered, never enough time
I worry, even though I know the puppies will be fine
I trust you with this puppy and hope you understand
I hand-picked you, and know you’ll follow the plan
Continue to provide new experiences each day
Never stop training your puppy, and always include play
I will never forget my puppies and will always be here
Please provide them the best for the rest of their years
No matter how long-ago your baby was here
Not staying in touch is my biggest fear
Author - Unknown
paw prints

Ellie’s Puppies

Ellie’s five puppies are waiting in the crate together while I clean out their puppy enclosure

Ellie’s puppies are continuing to learn from each other and their Mama, Brinkley, Ruska and even Willow. Nipping is still a challenge but we continue to discourage this behaviour. The puppies are eating their dry kibble well and are always so excited when meal time arrives and they see their food coming. The puppies love spending their days running, playing and exploring in the yard outside. Today it started raining so we had to cut our outdoor play short and bring the puppies inside.

VIDEO – It was raining today so, Ellie’s puppies had to have indoor playtime. They are playing with a new toy – a water bottle. LOL

Soon it will be time to say goodbye to Ellie’s puppies. I will miss each of them dearly but I am so happy that our puppies are joining such wonderful families. I know they will be loved!

Look at Ellie’s Puppies…..They Love To Play Outside

We have had a busy weekend at L.A. Doodles getting five more puppies ready for their forever families. Tomorrow, Ruska’s last puppy is headed home with his forever family. As you can image, it has been much quieter in the morning with only seven puppies to greet me. Ellie’s puppies love to run outside and play together. I tried to capture some of their playtime in the video’s below. Enjoy!

VIDEO – We have a very large spruce tree in our yard that all our litters of puppies have loved to hide under and wrestle there. How many puppies can you see under the tree in this video?Go
VIDEO – The puppies love playing with each other outdoors. Watch a game of “tug-of-war” between some of the puppies

VIDEO – The puppies play in my grandchildren’s playground. The black fabric you see on the ground is the weed barrier that we laid under the playground mulch. Some of the puppies discovered it and tried to pull it up! We will have to fix it after the puppies have gone to their forever homes. Puppies are curious about everything! LOL

The puppies love their outdoor play time with each other. They are learning what is acceptable play when wrestling with each other. If they bite the other puppy too hard, the puppy gives a sharp high pitch yelp to let the other puppy know “that hurts”

We are teaching the puppies the difference between “Puppy Kisses” and “Puppy Nips” Puppies have sharp teeth and they hurt! The puppies are beginning to learn the difference; some puppies are more consistent than others but they are all making progress in this area.

Ellie and our other dogs are continuing to teach the puppies to submit. You can see in the last two pictures below, Ellie is teaching one of her pups – Blue Collar Boy. He is in the submit position (laying on their back). They are suppose to stay in this position until mama walks away. This puppy stayed – Good Puppy!

Look, Ellie’s Puppies Are Adorable At Seven Weeks Old

Puppies at 7 weeks

Ellies puppies are now seven week old today. They continue to grow bigger and more adorable each day. The puppies are full of energy and curious about everything. They love outdoor play time where they get lots of exercise running and playing with all the puppies. The puppies visited the vet earlier this week for their Check-ups, Immunizations and micro chips and they were all given a clean bill of health. This week puppies were introduced to the crate. Puppies have now made the transition to eating dry kibble puppy food.

  • Puppies will continue exploring and playing together inside and outdoor as weather permits
  • Puppies will continue learning from their their mama Ellie and daddy Brinkley along with Ruska and Willow
  • We will continue to encourage puppies to use potty area
  • Puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time
  • Puppies will start to leave for their forever families at the end of the week
paw prints

This week Ruska’s puppies have been leaving to forever homes. Today, five more of her puppies joined their families. The time I get to spend with and care for our puppies is always too short but, I know that I can not give each the attention that the need. I’m always sad to say good-bye but, I love seeing the excitement as the families come to bring their puppy home. I am so thankful for each of the wonderful families that will love and continue to teach their new puppy!

VIDEO – Saturday morning after breakfast, the puppies enjoyed playtime. A couple of the puppies were fighting but Daddy Brinkley stepped in.
VIDEO – A couple of Ruska’s puppies were ready and waiting for their forever families. They went to say good-bye to the remaining Puppies.

Eight Weeks Old Today And Are Getting More Adorable


Eight weeks have passed since our little puppies came into the world and filled our days. It seems like so long ago that we were impatient, waiting for the puppies to arrive. Remember how tiny they were…..I could hold them on the palm of my hand. They have learned so much over these past eight weeks. I have enjoyed raising them to the point where they are ready to join their forever families. This past week we have worked on what is acceptable behaviour – mainly the difference between nipping and kisses. Puppies are not alway consistent but, have made great progress in this area. I just love puppy kisses!!!

Ruska went into the puppy enclosure last night and nursed her puppies. She had stopped nursing in the evening long ago. It is like she knew that this was her puppies last night together. After a short feed, she did some submissive training and cleaned some of the puppies. What a good mama!
After nursing, the puppies listened to their mama and settled right down. Ruska cleaned some of her puppies before she wanted out of their enclosure. Good job Ruska; you have raised such well behaved puppies!!!

Ruska’s eleven Puppies are getting ready to leave for their forever homes during the next week. Lots of work lies ahead for your family as you continue teaching your puppy! They are still learning, but the time and hard work you put in will pay off when you have a loving well behaved dog that will love you as only a dog can – unconditionally. You will be the most important person in the world to them. 

Three puppies left today for their forever homes. It is bittersweet having to say goodbye to our puppies. I have enjoyed every minute of their care and they all have a piece of my heart. It is with sadness and through tears I say goodbye to each puppy but it brings me joy to see their excited families smiles and to know that our puppies are joining such wonderful forever families that will love and care for each of them.

Wow, Look At The Puppies With Their New Toy!

VIDEO – The puppies got a new toy yesterday and quickly started playing with it. You can see in the video that the rest of our dogs want to play too. Ruska and Brinkley finally got a hold of the new toy and it didn’t take long for them to destroy it in a game of tug-of-war!

A Visit to the Vet

Puppies loading into the crate on their way to visit the vet

Part of caring for our puppies is a visit to our Veterinary Clinic. On Monday we loaded 11 puppies into the crate and headed to see Dr. Westermann for their health check. My husband Tom kept watch outside and I took puppies in two at a time for their turn. They received a clean bill of health, their first set of vaccinations, and their microchip. Some of the puppies were brave and only made the slightest whimper while other puppies made sure we knew that the didn’t appreciate getting the microchip – LOL!

Tom keeping watch on the puppies as they return after their turn

When we were finished, Dr. Westermann commented on how calm and well behaved all our puppies were. I was proud that all Ruska’s and our hard work was noticed. The shots always make puppies tired and they came home and slept most of the afternoon.

Puppies ready to go home, they are tired and resting after getting their shots.

Today it was Ellie’s puppies turn to make the trip to see Dr. Westermann for their microchips, shots, and health check.

Ellie’s puppies Packed into their crate and off for their turn at the vet

Dr. Westermann was amazed at how calm and well behaved all Ellie’s puppies were today. All the hard work by Ellie is paying off as she has calm, gentle puppies. The puppies received their first set of vaccinations and microchips. Everyone was brave with only the smallest complaint except for one puppy that let out a loud yelp! All our puppies were given a clean bill of health and returned home to sleep after the excitement of their first outing.

Back to the crate and headed home
The vaccination shots make the puppies tired. Time to take a nap!

Look How They Have Grown, Ellie’s Pups are now Six Weeks Old!


Six weeks old today. We have had another busy week caring for the puppies and introducing them to so many new things. They have grown bigger and you can see each unique personality developing. Puppies have progressed to eating softened kibble. They enjoy exploring during outside play time. Ellie’s is teaching them to submit and Ruska, Brinkley and Willow are helping out with this.

  • Puppies will meet their forever families
  • Puppies time spent awake will continue to increase
  • Puppies will begin dry kibble by the end of the week
  • We will continue to encourage puppies to use potty area
  • Puppies will continue to socialize and learn from each other through play
  • Puppies will continue exploring and playing together outdoor as weather permits
  • Puppies will continue learning from their mama as she disciplines them and teaches them to behave 
  • As always, puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time.

Sixteen puppies playing and exploring together

The last couple days, all the puppies have been playing and exploring together in our yard. It has been a very busy time keeping track of all 16 puppies in our yard! They are getting along very nicely and Ruska, Ellie, Brinkley and Willow have been playing with them as well as teaching them to submit. Notice in some of the pictures below, the puppies on their backs. This is what puppies do to show that they are submitting.

Puppies are very good at coming when called. This helps me make sure we have them all but also teaches them “recall”. This will be something their forever families will continue when they train their puppies. The only reward the puppies expect is lot’s of praise and cuddles.

VIDEO – How do you gather 16 puppies to do a “puppy count”? With the “Puppy Call” of course

Look Closely, Can You Find Sixteen Adorable Puppies?

Well, I finally decided to do it…….introduce Ellie’s Puppies to Ruska’s. All sixteen puppies met in the puppy enclosure and played together. I began by first choosing four of Ruska’s puppies to introduce to Ellie’s puppies. The four puppies I chose were Gold Collar Boy, Light Blue Collar Boy, Purple Collar Girl, and of course I had to choose our tiny Black Collar Girl because she was so fascinated with them. She would sit on the other side of the fence watching them and would run back and forth barking at them. At first the puppies were a little unsure but soon started to sniff each other and then began to play.

VIDEO – Four of Ruska’s puppies meet Ellie’s puppies. They were unsure at first but, enjoyed playing with each other!
VIDEO – Ellie’s Orange Collar Girl is barking at Ruska’s Purple Collar Girl. I think she wants to play but Purple Collar Girl isn’t too sure!
VIDEO – Ruska’s Black Collar Girl finally gets to meet Ellie’s puppies without a fence separating them. She had a great time interacting!

After a short time I decided to add the rest of Ruska’s puppies to the mix. It went very well! All the puppies had a great time meeting each other and playing together! Ruska, Ellie, Brinkley and Willow were watching from the other side of the enclosure.

VIDEO – All of Ruska’s and Ellie’s puppies finally get to meet face to face. Can you hear Willow squeaking the ball? She brought it to the puppies to play with and left it outside the enclosure LOL

Dogs on guard while puppies sleep

Adorable faces

“Seven Weeks Old – Can These Get Any More Adorable?”

Ruska’s Puppies

Tired puppies taking a rest from all that exercise

Ruska’s puppies are seven weeks old today. The saying “An active puppy is a healthy puppy” makes these puppies very healthy. They are all over the yard exploring every corner. It is a two person job to keep track of them. I put them into the puppy enclosure (as you can see in the picture above) to give them a safe place to settle down and rest. They were not too please to be confined in the outdoors but, it is a good learning experience to teach them to calm down. Puppies have now made the transition to eating dry kibble puppy food today.

Some of my grandchildren came by for a visit and photo’s with our puppies

  • Puppies will continue exploring and playing together outdoor as weather permits
  • Puppies will continue learning from their mama Ruska, and the rest of our dogs Ellie, Brinkley, and Willow
  • Puppies will continue learning as the play with their litter-mates
  • We will continue to encourage puppies to use potty area
  • Puppies will visit the vet for their check-ups, immunizations and micro chips
  • Puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time
  • Puppies will start to leave for their forever families at eight weeks.
paw prints

Ellie’s Puppies

One of my favourite time in puppy breeding, is when I introduce our puppies to their forever families. We are looking forward to meeting them at Ellie’s puppy selection/visitation day this weekend. Until you meet your puppy in person, enjoy watching these adorable puppies play with Willow in the video below.

VIDEO – Willow plays with Ellie’s puppies

How Do I Continue Potty Training My Puppy At Home?

Updated 2023

Potty Training starts with the breeder

Why do you train your puppies so young?

Wild dog species have an instinct to keeping their den clean so that the smell doesn’t attract predators. A mama dog also has the same instinct to keep her puppies and puppy area clean. When puppies can start to go potty without the help of their mother, they have a natural instinct to move away from the area where they sleep and eat to go potty.

After puppies are moved to the main floor around 3-1/2 weeks of age, we begin potty training. I spend most of my time during the next three days, putting each puppy in the potty area each time they wake and after they eat. This teaches them there is a “place” to go potty.

Litter Box Training

We now train using a litter box filled with pine pellets in it. This method (as opposed to potty pads) is environmentally friendly because the pine pellets are biodegradable.

Puppy area set-up
Two puppies in potty box


These pics show how we have set up our puppy area. when we move our puppies to the main floor. Puppies have access to whelping box and potty box only. Until the puppies become more consistent, it is best not to give them too much room.

Constant Cleaning

The potty area must smell like a potty area and the whelping box must smell clean. If a puppy has an accident in the whelping box, it must be cleaned right away . We replace the Vet Bed liners multiply times a day to keep it fresh and clean. Lots of Laundry!!!

The Goal

The goal is for puppies to sleep and play in their whelping box and move to the potty box on their own, when needed.

Watch as our Green Collar Girl (Day 27) decides to use the potty area on her own… …it is truly amazing!

Larger Puppy Area

Once the puppies are more consistent we give them a larger area.

By teaching puppies “there is a place to go potty”, I believe it makes it easier for their forever family to house train when they go home.

Outside Potty Box

With the introduction of outside play, it is more of a challenge to teach the puppies to “go” in one spot which is the potty box. This is because when a puppy has access to a large area, they move away to “go” but not necessarily in the box. I have been correcting the puppies by taking them to the potty box.

Watch as Pink Collar Girl goes to the potty box all by herself!👏


How do I continue potty training when I take my puppy home?

Take advantage of the early training that we have already started. So when you take your puppy home, you should be teaching them “the acceptable place to go potty is outside“. This means “no potty pads”. If you introduce potty pads, you are teaching your new puppy that it is “okay” to go potty inside your home.

After you bring home your new puppy home, the first thing you need to teach the pup is to walk to the door. Do not carry them. Make the puppy walk or it will not learn to alert you.

Do not use treats when potty training as it takes the dog’s focus off of the business at hand and puts it on the food. You do not want the dog’s brain to be on food when it is time to relieve itself. Keep the focus on the task at hand. Rewards for going potty should be the relief the dog feels when it empties itself and your happiness that the dog did the right thing; ie.; verbal praise, a pet and/or back scratch. Puppies/dogs can feel when humans are happy.

How long can my puppy “hold it”?

Typically to calculate how long a puppy can “hold it” is to take their age in months and add 1 (ie, 2 month old+ 1 = 3 hours.) The older the puppy, the longer they can hold it. I have found large breed puppies can hold it longer as their bladders are larger

Can my puppy “hold” it all night?

It is not likely that your puppy can go the whole night without a potty break when you first bring them home. When your puppy whines in the middle of the night, chances are, they need to go outside for a potty break. Take them to their spot and say “go potty” When they have relieved them-self, give them a short praise and return them to their crate. If you pay too much attention to them at this time, they may continue to wake you up “just for the attention” Don’t feed your puppy or let them drink water too close to bedtime in the evening.

Helpful tips

  • Don’t give your puppy too much room to roam your house.
  • If you can’t supervise puppy, put them in their crate for a nap.
  • Before putting your puppy in their crate, make sure that they have had a outside potty break
  • Take your puppy outside frequently—about every two hours
  • Take your puppy outside immediately after they wake up, after playing, and after eating or drinking.
  • Pick a potty spot outside, and always take your puppy to that spot. This helps them “smell the spot” and know it’s the place to go potty. Use a command word such as “Go Potty”
  • Some people like to put their puppy on a leash when going to the potty area. This helps with teaching them to go in a certain spot
  • Reward your puppy with verbal praise, a pat and/or back scratch  every time they go potty outdoors.
  • Feed your puppy 3 meals a day, removing any leftover food when done. This helps you know when your puppy will need to go for a potty break outside. If they always have food available, they need to go potty more frequently which makes it harder to know when they need to go outside.
  • Don’t feed your puppy or let them drink water too close to bedtime in the evening.( Take food away after dinner meal, take water away three hours before bed time.)

Just Want to Cuddle And Kiss These Adorable Puppies

Ruska’s Puppies

Ruska’s puppies continue to progress. They love their outdoor playtime and are becoming more adventurous with each passing day. They have now discovered the rear of our yard and love to play in my grandchildren playground. It is getting harder to keep track of all 11 puppies so every so often I do “The Puppy Call” and they come running for some cuddles

VIDEO – The Puppy Call
paw prints

Ellie’s Puppies

Ellie’s puppies are loving their outdoor play time. We have them in the fenced enclosure to keep them separated from Ruska’s puppies. They are 10 day’s younger so I didn’t want them with the older puppies yet. They do still interact and play with them but have the fence in-between. I see them barking at each other and running back and forth together.

Sleeping outside with mama