I Can’t Get Enough Of These Adorable Puppy Faces!


The Girls
Orange Collar Girl
Maroon Collar Girl
The Boys
Black Collar Boy
Yellow Collar Boy

Blue Collar Boy

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Ruska’s Puppies

The Boys
Red Collar Boy
Green Collar Boy
Gold Collar Boy
Dark Blue Collar Boy
Light Blue Collar Boy
The Girls
Purple Collar Girl
Brown Collar Girl
Dark Pink Collar Girl
Pink Camo Collar Girl
Black Collar Girl
Orange Collar Girl

The Puppies Exciting Move To The Main Floor

Ruska’s Puppies

It has been three and a half weeks since Ruska’s puppies arrived. Since birth, they have spent their days and nights in our bedroom. It is now time to make the move to the main floor where they can get accustom to the sounds and happenings of a house. This is also the time that we begin “potty training”. Puppies are now going potty without the help of their mother. They have a natural instinct to move away from their sleeping area when they need to go. This is why I feel it is important to begin “potty training” at this age. If they start learning that “there is an acceptable place to go potty” at a young age, they won’t develop bad habits that later need to be broken. I feel that this will make housebreaking easier when they go to their forever families.

The last pic of puppies in our bedroom before the big move.
Puppies are all packed up and ready to make the move to our Main Floor
We put the puppies into their whelping box after we finished setting up the new area on the main floor,. Ruska quickly wanted in the whelping box and started feeding her babies right away. I’m sure she wanted to reassure them that they were safe and everything was okay!
VIDEO – After the puppies nursed, it was time for them to explore their new area. Some of the puppies even used the new potty area.
Moving day is tiring! After the puppies had playtime in their new area, they all fell asleep.
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Ellie’s Puppies

Ellie’s puppies continue to grow and progress. The puppies appearance has totally changed now that their eyes have opened. They are starting to vocalize and interact with each other. The puppies still spend much of their life eating and sleeping.

VIDEO – Puppies are practicing vocalizing. Notice their eyes are opened and their hind leg are becoming stronger as the practice walking on all fours.
VIDEO – Puppies are ready for another nap
VIDEO – Ellie’s puppies are always ready for another meal!

You may notice the “Pig Rails” have been removed from Ellie’s whelping box. The puppies have grown so big and were getting frustrated trying to fit under them to go to sleep, so I decided to remove them. “Pig Rails” in the whelping box are to protect newborn puppies from being crushed or smothered by the mother should she roll over during birthing or while asleep. This is considered especially important with larger dog breeds. The puppies fits under the “Pig Rails” keeping them safe.

Wow! Look at Ellie’s adorable puppies who have turned two weeks old today!


Another week older – Ellie’s puppies are now 2 weeks old. We have had an great week! Cuddling puppies is one of my favourite ways to pass the time and with so many puppies to cuddle, time seems to fly. Ellie continues to be a loving and attentive mama. She just loves to look after her babies! Friday was an exciting day because we could see the puppies eyes beginning to open. Their eyes will continue to open over the next couple days. I always think this makes them look more alive! The puppies have gained strength in the hind legs and are moving around the whelping box faster and are now starting to climb out. We had to add a door panel to our whelping box entrance to keep them contained.. Ellie’s puppies are gaining weight daily and they are now all over 1 KG. With all that eating and sleeping they can’t help but grow.

Adorable Faces

VIDEO – Puppies looking for a comfy spot to sleep. Can you hear Ellie drinking from her water bowl LOL! Mama’s need lots of water to make lots of milk!
WOW, look at our “Black Collar Boy” with his eyes opened. What a handsome little man!


  • Puppies will still eat and sleep most of their day
  • Puppies will continue growing 
  • Eyes will continue to open wider and their sight will become clearer
  • Ears will start to open and they will begin to hear
  • Puppies hind legs will become stronger as they will practice walking on all fours

Ruska’s Puppies

On Thursday, Ruska and her puppies had an adventure outside the whelping box. We went to the main floor and let them explore. I wanted them to experience a different environment before we make the move to the main floor. Ruska is always so excited to have her puppies downstairs. They walked around, played with their litter-mates, nursed, cuddled with their mama and then fell asleep.

VIDEO – Ruska’s puppies are interacting. They have started to vocalize with little growls and barks. They will spend the next 5 weeks learning from their mama and litter-mates what is acceptable puppy behaviour..
Green Collar Boy looking to explore what’s outside the whelping box. Watch for our next post to see the puppies move to the main floor.

Ruska’s Babies Are Now Quickly Becoming Adorable Mini Dogs

August 19…….Ruska’s puppies are three weeks old today
3 Week Old Puppy Portrait of Ruska and Tulo’s 2020 litter. Not an easy task to get 11 puppies to co-operate for a photo but, we got one. Yeah!


Three weeks old and oh how they have grown! They now look like “Mini Dogs”. This week, puppies have been progressing rapidly. Their eyes are fully opened and vision is improving. Ears have started to open but they are not yet hearing well. Their hind legs have become much stronger and they have been practicing walking on all fours. Puppies are much more aware of their surroundings and have begun to play with each other. They continue to sleep much of the time as they develop.

Fed, cleaned and now, time for an afternoon nap


  • Puppies will still sleep most of their day as they continue to grow rapidly
  • Puppies will play with each other developing important social skills
  • Puppies hind legs will continue to become stronger as they walk more
  • Hearing will improve with time
  • Puppies “milk teeth” will begin to erupt. 
  • Puppies will be moving to the main floor sometime during the week

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Ellie’s Puppies continue to grow

VIDEO – Ellie’s puppies are growing like weeds. She loves her babies and takes such good care of them. Puppies continue to just eat and sleep. We are looking forward to their eyes to start opening by the end of the week. So exciting!!!

Our Adorable Puppies Spend Their Day Eating And Sleeping

Ellie’s Puppies

Ellie’s puppies are now 9 days old. Their fur has grown thicker on their faces and their little pink noses have disappeared as the pigment has come in and turned their tiny noses brown. Newborn puppies spend their life eating and sleeping. They need all the energy to nurse and grow. Ideally puppies should double their birth weight at the 10-day point. All five of Ellie’s puppies have reached that milestone early. Way to go Ellie. You are taking such good care of your babies!

Video: Ellie’s babies eat and….sleep
Sweet Dreams

Ruska’s Puppies

Ruska’s puppies are now 19 days old. They have their eyes open and are starting to see clearer. They have also are begun to hear. I noticed today when the carpet cleaner was on, they reacted to the noise and Ruska hurried to reassure them everything was okay. The puppies hind legs are getting stronger as they practice walking on all fours. They are able to move around the whelping box much quicker. The puppies have become aware of their litter-mates and have started to interact with each other for short periods of time. They still sleep much of their day

VIDEO – Four in the waiting box. Puppies are becoming more mobile and can now climb out of their waiting box. I have had to put another basket on the top to contain them.
Sweet Dreams!
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Wow, How They Have Grown … Now One Week Old!


Happy one week to Ellies puppies. Wow, one week has passed so quickly. For the first few weeks of life, a puppy cannot regulate their own body temperature. They need a warm space, their mother and littermates to help keep them warm. Puppies are born with their eyes and ears sealed shut; they cannot see or hear. They have to rely on “smell” and “touch” to find their mother.

Ellie is an amazing mama. She still wants to stay with her puppies most of the day. She loves to feed, clean and cuddle with them. They have been gaining weight quickly and are close to doubling their birth weight. All Ellie’s devotion is paying off.

Sleeping is what we do

VIDEO – Watch for puppies Twitching,, one sign of a health puppy


  • Much the same as week one – Eat, Sleep, Repeat!
  • Puppies will continue growing 
  • Puppies will double birth weight
  • Puppies still crawl; hind legs will become stronger
  • Eyes should begin to open towards the end the week – so exciting !!!

We are in love with these sweet adorable puppies!

Ellie’s Puppies

Ellie is a devoted mother. She has such a calm, gentle, and loving disposition and all these qualities come out with the devotion she shows her 5 babies. They feed on demand, one or two at a time. I guess the puppies know that there is no competition, so they don’t have to hurry and fight their way for a spot. There is always food available.

VIDEO – Watch Black collar boy. He wants his dinner now but mama say, “Wait, I need to clean you up first”

VIDEO – New collars for Ellie’s five little puppies. The initial ribbon that we use when puppies are first born are not the best as they don’t stay on the puppies for very long. My husband Tom and son Robbie made collars out of parachute cord for Ruska’s 11 puppies and I was waiting on them to make some for Ellie’s litter too. I finally decided to give it a try for myself. I watched a YouTube instructional video (many times) and it wasn’t as easy as I thought. After a few tries though, I got the hang of it. Now you can identify who is who in the pics and videos.
VIDEO – When I’m trying to video, my mama dog’s don’t alway co-operate and block the view. That and I’m a novice when it comes to videoing, but I try LOL

Copycat or I should say “Copy-puppy”
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Ruska’s Puppies

Ruska continues to watch over and care for her puppies but, is now more comfortable to leave them for a more extended period of time. She loves her puppies and never tires of caring for them. They still sleep most of the time and wake only to eat. When Ruska comes back to the whelping box, they get so excited to see their mama!

VIDEO – Ruska wants to check on her puppies. Is it time to eat? Notice that their hind legs are getting stronger and the puppies eyes now opened.

VIDEO – The puppies are always hungry for their next meal

VIDEO -I think Ruska wanted to be in the spotlight and she got in the way of the puppies LOL Notice puppies eyes opened, puppies starting to interact, and then, the mad dash to the milk bar!

What do newborn puppies do best….eat and sleep.

Ahh, so comfy!

Take a Look at Ellie’s Sweet, Beautiful Fur Babies

I called on my daughter in law again, to take singles of Ellie and Brinkley’s puppies. It is not easy to keep these little ones still. She did an amazing job, thanks again Eryn!

Ellies puppies were born much bigger than Ruska’s puppies. One reason is because she had only 5 puppies in the litter compared to Ruska’s 11. Ellie is such an amazing mama. She is so attentive and doesn’t want to leave their box. I had to drag her out so that she could have a bathroom break and get some exercise in the yard. The puppies are packing on the weight too. I’m thinking they will have doubled their birth weight before day 10. Good job Ellie!

The Girls

Maroon Collar Girl
Orange Collar Girl

The Boys

Yellow Collar Boy
Blue Collar Boy
Black Collar Boy

Hooray! Ruska’s Adorable Puppies Are Now Two Week Old!


Another week older – Ruska’s puppies are now 2 weeks old. We have had an busy week! I have been spending a lot of my time beside Ruska at feeding time. She likes me to keep her company and I like to make sure everyone gets a chance to nurse. With such a big litter it took a little longer but, all of our puppies have now doubled their birth weight. They all continue to gain weight daily. All our puppies are doing well!

It is such an exciting time to see the puppies eyes beginning to open. Their vision is not well developed just yet but it will improve over the coming weeks. Puppies are gaining strength in the hind legs and are moving around the whelping box much faster. Ruska continues to be a loving and attentive mama.

VIDEO – Ruska’s puppies are practicing walking on all 4’s. Can you see some of the puppies eyes open?
VIDEO – Cameo Pink girl practicing vocalizing.


  • Puppies will still eat and sleep most of their day
  • Puppies will continue growing 
  • Eyes will continue to open wider and their sight will become clearer
  • Ears will start to open and they will begin to hear (though not well yet)
  • Puppies hind legs will become stronger as they practice walking on all fours
  • Puppies will become more aware of their surroundings and begin to interact with each other

What will my puppy’s coat look like? Coat Comparisons

(Post updated 2023)

I have had many inquires from families wondering what coat type the puppies will have as they mature. When dealing with a Hybrid it is very difficult to predict with certainty what their Adult coat will eventuality end up like. Puppies go through multiple coat changes before their adult coat finally comes in. All newborn goldendoodle puppies look like Golden Retrievers. It is not until around 6 – 7 weeks when we can determine if it will be a Flat Coat goldendoodle – no facial furnishings. We have produced flat coats with both straight hair and with some curls. We have also produced Wavy/Shaggy coat goldendoodles and Curly Coat goldendoodles.

Below are some of our previous puppies. There are three pictures of each puppy. Notice the progression of the puppy: the first picture is newborn, the next picture is puppy at eight weeks old and the last picture the puppy as an adult.

My puppies are lucky to have joined such wonderful, loving families. It makes my day when I get an email from one of our previous puppy families giving me an update and sharing pics of their dog. Thank you!

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Teddy Bear Goldendoodles look just like their name suggests, a Teddy Bear. They are fluffy all over including the face. They come in three types – Straight, Wavy, and Curly. Grooming requirements are brushing daily to prevent matting and a trip to the groomers every eight weeks or so.

Curly Coat Goldendoodle

Venus (Purple Collar Girl) – Curly Coat

Joey (Dark Blue Collar Boy) – Curly Coat

Harley (Grey Collar Boy) – Curly Coat

Wavy Coat Goldendoodles

Shelby(Yellow Collar Girl) – Wavy Coat

Skylo (White Collar Boy) – WavyCoat

Lennon (Azure Collar Girl) – Wavy Coat

Fluffy (Khaki Collar Girl) – Wavy Coat

Straight Coat

Donny (Red Collar Boy) – Straight Coat

Milo (Orange Collar Boy) – Straight Coat


Flat Coat Goldendoodles look much like a Golden Retriever with an open face. Just like the Teddy Bear Goldendoodles, their coats can be straight, wavy, or curly. There are less grooming requirements for Flat Coat Goldendoodles – No trip to the groomer as they do not require a haircut. Brushing, deshedding and bathing as required to help reduce shedding.

TeeJay (Green CollarGirl) – Flat Coat – Straight

Molly (Yellow Collar Girl) – Flat Coat – Wavy

Brinkley(Light Blue Collar Boy) – Flat Coat – Curly

Our Parent Dogs

Tulo and Ruska

Tulo ( 12 weeks) and Ruska (10 weeks) as puppies
Tulo is a Curly Coat Goldendoodle
Ruska is a Wavey Coat Goldendoodle

Ellie is a Purebred Standard Poodle

Ellie 12 weeks
Ellie Adult

To see more examples of the puppies we have produced, visit our FAQ page