Echo’s Sweet Puppies – Week 2

Two Weeks Old


Echo’s sweet puppies are now two weeks old and growing bigger and more adorable with each passing day. Echo continues to be an amazing mama taking wonderful care of her babies!!

We have had another busy week and the puppies have made so much progress. We have fallen into a daily routine. Most of the puppies’ time is spent eating and sleeping. In addition to this, we continue the ENS exercises and weigh-in for each puppy. The puppies are moving faster and when Echo returns to the whelping box the puppies scurry around ready for another meal.


We continue to weigh the puppies daily and keep a record of their progress

Double BirthWeight Milestone

Echo had done an amazing job feeding her puppies. All our puppies have been gaining weight daily. Puppies should double their birth weight between 7 – 10 days. The first puppy doubled her birth weight on day 7 and the rest followed over the next few days. All our puppies have doubled their birthweight and continue to grow with each passing day.

As you know, the Goldendoodle breed is an intentional mix of Poodle and Golden Retriever. We breed Standard Size with a weight range of 50 – 75+ pounds. Riggs who is the stud of Echo’s litter is 55 pounds, so I expected some puppies to be smaller than our previous litters. We have a few smaller puppies in this litter. The below picture shows the comparison of our largest puppy and our smallest puppy. (Both are males)

Light Blue Collar Boy on the left and White Collar Boy on the right

Feeding Time

Echo has a large litter of 11 but can only feed 8 puppies at a time. At first Echo was constantly in the whelping box and puppies just cycled through taking their turn eating without any intervention on my part. Now that Echo spends time away from her whelping box when she returns, all the puppies want to eat. So, I have had to step in and put three puppies into a “waiting box” until some puppies have finished nursing. It is important that all the puppies get their fair share of mama’s milk.

See puppies sleeping in the “waiting box” while the rest of the litter nurse.


The puppies have reached another Milestone. On Thursday I was excited to see that Grey Collar Boy had opened his eyes. Over the next few days, the rest of the puppies’ eyes began to open. Though they cannot see well yet, it is always exciting when the puppies’ eyes open – they seem to come alive. Their vision will continue to improve over the next weeks.

Transitional Period

The first 12 weeks of a puppy’s life are incredibly important. This is an almost magical time when a breeder has the power to change the outcome of a puppy’s life by what we choose to teach them. By doing just the right things at just the right time, we can give your puppy the best start possible.

Now that the puppies’ eyes have opened they have entered the Transitional Period. Every puppy is different so “Behavioural Markers” are used to identify the beginning and end of each developmental period. These timelines are simply guidelines. The transitional period begins when the puppy’s eyes open and ends when they first startle upon hearing sounds. 

Daily cuddles

Puppy socialization starts at birth. We handle our puppies as soon as their mamas feel comfortable and give them all daily cuddles.

My grandchildren are great helpers with this. I love to share this learning experience with them; teaching them to love and respect animals and to be gentle.

Today my two-year-old granddaughter helped me hold and cuddle all the puppies 🥰




  • Puppies will continue to eat and sleep most of their day
  • Puppies will continue growing 
  • Sight will slowly improve 
  • Puppies ears will open and they will begin to hear.
  • Puppies will practice walking on all fours, strengthening their hind legs
  • Puppies will become more aware and start to interact with their litter-mates
  • Puppies will start to vocalize

Happy Saturday

Today Echo’s puppies are 12 days old and growing quickly. Echo continues to be an amazing mama and loves to care for her babies.

L.A. Doodles goal is To Raise Healthy, Calm, Confident, Well-Adjusted Puppies. One thing we do to work towards achieving this goal is ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation)

ENS Demonstration

This past week we have continued our daily ENS exercises. ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation) begins on day 3 and continues daily through day 16. Research shows that tiny struggles and stresses in small doses are good for puppies and will help them grow into strong, healthy, well-adjusted adults. Benefits include greater tolerance to stress, greater resistance to disease, faster adrenal system, stronger heart rate and stronger heartbeats. This is a gift that a breeder can only give their puppies during the 3 – 16 day window.

In this video I demonstrate the ENS exercises we do daily with each puppy.

Echo’s puppies – One Week Old

Looking Back

One week old

Our precious puppies are now one week old. We have had a busy week caring for Echo and helping her care for her babies. Echo suffered loose stools for a few day which a common occurrence after whelping. She also took a couple days to get an appetite. We put Echo on a diet of boiled chicken and rice with an added probiotic supplement. Echo didn’t want to leave her puppies so I fed her inside her whelping box. She recovered quickly after a couple days of this diet and is now eating well on her regular diet.

Neonatal Period

The puppies are in the Neonatal Period which is from day 0 to day 14. During this period, puppies spend their time eating and sleeping. On day 3 we began ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation) which continues through day 16. We preform ENS daily during our weigh-in time. Research shows these tiny struggles and stresses in small doses are good for puppies. Benefits from ENS include greater tolerance to stress, greater resistance to disease, faster adrenal system, stronger heart rate and stronger heartbeat. This is a gift that a breeder can only give their puppies during the 3 to 16-day window.

Puppy Twitches

The above videos show sleeping puppies “twitch” This is a sign of a healthy puppy.


Before puppies are born, they receive immunity and everything they need to grow from the placenta. After birth newborn puppies do not possess immunity. A mothers first milk called colostrum is a protein-rich, nutritious, balanced, and protective food. The special milk provides passive immunity which can last several weeks and protect them from various infections and diseases. For this reason, the first twelve hours after birth it is vital for the puppies to nurse frequently and build up their passive immunity. (Passive immunity is the short-term immunity which results from the introduction of antibodies from the puppy’s mother. Compare with active immunity – the immunity which results from the production of antibodies by the immune system in response to the presence of an antigen)

Puppies are born with their eyes and ears sealed shut; they cannot see or hear. They have to rely on “smell” and “touch” to find their mother. Puppies are born with a natural instinct to nurse but as the days pass, they have become more proficient at it. The puppies are now experts at nursing! As you watch the video below, listen to the cute little sounds the puppies make as they nurse – so precious !

Echo is an amazing, attentive mama. She has a large litter of eleven babies and is not able to feed all the puppies at once. She has done an amazing job feeding her babies and cycling them through. She is very dedicated and stays with her babies around the clock.

With a large litter, we have to keep a close eye making sure all the puppies are getting their fair share of milk. We weight our puppies daily and keep records to track their progress. Some of our puppies are putting weight on quicker than others but, all our puppies are gaining weight daily. Good job Echo!

For the first two weeks of their life newborn puppies spend their time eating and sleeping.


  • Much the same as week one – Eat, Sleep, Repeat!
  • Puppies will continue growing 
  • Puppies still crawl; hind legs will become stronger
  • Eyes should begin to open towards the end the week – so exciting !!!

Introducing Our First Litter of Parti Puppies

The past few days we have been busy with limited sleep helping Echo care for our tiny new arrivals. With 11 puppies to feed, it can be a challenge making sure everyone is getting their fair share of milk. Puppies can lose up to 10% of their birth weight the first day. I was pleased that 10 of the eleven puppies gained weight after their first day. Good Job Echo! 

What are Parti Puppies

Parti is a pattern of colouring observed in the dog’s coat characterized by a white base colour of at least 50% with random patches of another colour such as black, brown, apricot, red, merle, etc. Each puppy has their own unique pattern. The Parti Gene is recessive so, both parents must carry the parti gene to produce a Parti Goldendoodle. It has been over two years in the making and we are excited welcome our first litter of Standard Parti Goldendoodles. We have a variety of colours in both Parti and Solid Abstracts. Below are Echo’s babies’ newborn single pictures. 

The Boys

White Collar Boy – Chocolate abstract – Birth Weight 365 grams
Grey Collar Boy- Blonde abstract – Birth Weight 380 grams
Dark Blue Collar Boy – Chocolate Parti – Birth Weight 364 grams
Black Collar Boy – Blonde abstract – Birth Weight 271 grams
Light Blue Collar Boy – Chocolate abstract – Birth Weight 216 grams

The Girls

YellowCollar Girl – Black Parti – Birth Weight 382 grams
Purple Collar Girl – Blonde Parti – Birth Weight 324 grams
Orange Collar Girl – Black Tuxedo Parti – Birth Weight 279 grams
Pink Collar Girl – Blonde Parti – Birth Weight 347 grams
Red Collar Girl – Chocolate abstract- Birth Weight 329 grams
Green Collar Girl – Blonde Parti – Birth Weight 277 grams

All Our Puppies Have Gone Home For Christmas

Puppy Go-Home Singles

Ellie’s Litter

Willow’s Litter

It is always a bittersweet time when our puppies leave me and head to their forever families. I love to share the excitement of their forever families but, it is with tears I say goodbye. I have loved and cared for them for the first eight weeks of their lives. I have watched them grow, experience new things, and learn so much. It is now time for their forever families to continue where I left off. The poem below is one I found years ago and it expresses so well how I feel!

Thank you for giving our puppies a wonderful home where I know that they will be loved and cherished. They will in turn give unconditional love that only a dog can give!

These Beauties Are Now Seven Weeks Old!

Can these puppies get any more adorable? Look at our puppies seven week old singles. They have grown into Beauties!

Ellie and Brinkley’s Litter

Willow and Brinkley’s Litter

Looking Back

Ellie’s and Willow’s puppies are now seven week old . They continue to grow bigger and more adorable each day. The puppies are full of energy and curious about everything. They love outdoor play time where they get lots of exercise running and playing with all the puppies. Ellie’s puppies visited the vet on Wednesday for their Wellness Check, Immunizations and micro chips. They were all given a clean bill of health. Willow’s puppies head to the vet tomorrow. The puppies have now made the transition to eating dry kibble puppy food which they get three times a day.

Crate Training

This week we started crate training and it is going fairly well. Some of our puppies go in to eat their treat and take a nap without complaining. A few puppies take turns letting me know that they are not enjoying it. LOL. We will continue to have daily crate training and hopefully the puppies will have a good start when they go to their forever homes!

Outdoor Play

Even in the snow and cold temperatures the puppies have been able to enjoy their daily outdoor playtime. They love to go outside! Whenever they hear the sliding door open to let our adult dogs outside, the puppies run to their enclosure door and wait to see if it is their turn to go out too.

Potty Training Update

Potty training is going very well. The potty box is well used and there are very few accidents. Lots of hard work on our part but so satisfying when I see the puppies run over to the potty box and hop in when needed!!!

Santa Visit

Yesterday the puppies had a visit from Santa. It is always good to have an extra pair of hand and my daughter Kendra was a big help with our Santa Photo Shoot.

Sometimes taking puppy pics tries your patience but we had fun taking pictures with Santa.

The puppies must have been good because Santa brought some new toys!

Puppies Are Beginning Crate Training Training

I finally got the crates set up to begin crate training. I decided to do one litter a a time. This morning Willow’s litter went in to explore. They were in and out and a couple puppies stayed inside and laid down. After awhile, it was time to put each puppy in and close the door.

I want to make this a positive experience for the puppies so, I gave them a treat. It was a Whimzees dental chew for puppies. This is a first experience for our puppies and it kept them occupied.

Puppies had a Whimzees treat in their crate so that they associate the crate with something good!

Willow’s Puppies

Willow’s puppies Crate Training 1
Willow’s puppies Crate Training 2

Willow’s puppies did very well. Our grey collar girl wasn’t happy at first but soon settled. The puppies slept for a couple hours. Great job puppies!

Ellie’s Puppies

Ellie’s puppies Crate Training 1
Ellie’s puppies Crate Training 2

Ellie’s puppies took a little longer to settle. Our pink collar girl didn’t like the crate at first and it took awhile but she finally stopped whining and slept quietly. Ellie’s litter did a great job sleeping quietly in their crates for their afternoon nap.

The puppies will continue to have naps in their crates for the next few days. Next week we will begin night time in their crate.

Outdoor Fun For Our Puppies

Just a short post today. It was a beautiful winter day full of sunshine and the puppies had a great time playing and exploring. They are becoming experts at coming outside on their own. We added a couple large stuffies and I opened up a new little area for the puppies to explore.

They have come a long way!
Can you see your puppy?

See Excited Puppies Enjoy Their First Snow

Selection Day

We had a great day yesterday at Puppy Selection. It is one of my favourite times raising puppies. I get to experience the excitement of our forever families as we introduce them to their puppy.

Our puppies were very tired at the end of the day with so much interaction with people. Meeting lots of new people is great for the puppies’ socialization. Even though the puppies didn’t get their daily outdoor exercise, they were all tired and had a long nap after a late dinner.

Snow Day

Today we woke up to excitement of snow. Being Sunday, my husband Tom went to church with my grandsons who are sleeping over for the weekend. I stayed home to look after puppies (they are never left alone). This gave me a chance to take the puppies outside and introduce yet another new experience – SNOW! I have read and agree, “The only thing goldendoodles like better than water is Snow! Our puppies loved their time outside. While our puppies continued playing in the snow, I went inside to clean out the puppy areas. After their long outdoor play session, I brought tired wet puppies back inside for a long nap.

First taste of Snow
Fun in the Snow

Tired Wet Puppies

A New Toy For Puppies To Explore

The puppies are growing bigger and more active with each passing day. We have been fortunate with the weather and the puppies have been able to have daily outdoor play. Today Ellie’s puppies went out first for their outdoor exercise which included a new toy – a tunnel. The puppies know when there is a new toy, and everyone wants a turn. The tunnel makes a “crinkle sound” which the puppies loved. At first, they just jumped on it. I waited to see which puppy would be the first to go through. Watch and see.

Puppies love the “crinkle sound” the new tunnel makes
Who will be the first puppy to go through the tunnel?

Willow’s Puppies Challenge

Puppies are always learning and being challenged to build their brain. Today’s challenge was for the puppies to come out of their enclosure and go outside on their own. Watch to see which puppies succeeded.

Puppy Challenge – Who will be brave and make it outside on their own?
All the puppies except our Merle’s made it out on their own. Maybe tomorrow LOL!

Outdoor Play and then, back inside where it is nice and warm for a nap

Look At Our Adorable Puppies

Can you find 17 puppies?