September 3, 2019 – Day 37
Yesterday was an exciting one for the Puppies, Ruska, and Ellie. The rain stopped and puppies were able to get their first taste of the outdoors. They all quickly started to explore and were able to do their “puppy run” It takes some practice to run on the uneven ground as they have only been walking on flat floors. As I’m sure you have noticed I am a novice when it comes to videoing but I have tried to capture their first outdoor experience to share.

Puppies First Outdoor Adventure

Ellie the “Nanny” helping to keep an eye on the puppies

Puppy Run

Puppies were so tired after their first outdoor adventure, they were out like a light and slept a good part of the afternoon!

Ruska wanted her puppies to have more outdoor play after their nap.
Let’s have dinner outside!

Mama keeps a watchful eye while puppies play

(Sorry, Ellie wouldn’t keep out of the way. She takes her “Nanny Job” serious)

To view more puppy pics, visit” Rock Climbing” page
😊 Puppies put a smile on my face!