AUGUST 11TH, 2019 – DAY 14 – 2 WEEKs OLD

Another week older – our puppies are now 2 week old. We have had an great week! Watching and cuddle puppies are one of my favourite ways to pass time. My grandchildren have been more then willing to help cuddle them and just love to watch the puppies eat and sleep. Friday was an exciting day ….. we saw their eyes beginning to open. Their vision is not well developed just yet but it will improve over the coming weeks. Puppies have gained strength in the hind legs and are moving around the whelping box faster. We even had a couple pups trying to climb at the entrance of the whelping box so…..time to add a higher panel at the door to keep them safely inside. Ruska continues to be a loving and attentive mama. They are gaining weight daily. We even had two of the pups hit 1 KG on weigh in today. With all that eating and sleeping they can’t help but grow.
Puppies returning to their cleaned whelping box . Their hind legs are getting stronger! Their eyes have begun to open.
Puppies move much quicker. Trying to find the best spot for dinner. My how they have grown!
Puppies have settled in to nurse. They are now pros!
A different angle….you can see puppies eyes open
- Puppies will still eat and sleep most of their day
- Puppies will continue growing
- Eyes will continue to open wider and their sight will become clearer
- Ears will start to open and they will begin to hear (though not well yet)
- Puppies hind legs will become stronger and they will practice walking on all fours

To see more pics of our puppies, visit “Puppies Before Bedtime”