Day 10 – Is a Puppy Milestone Weight Check

The puppies are now 10 days old. This is the day we do a “milestone weight gain evaluation”. Ideally puppies should double their birth weight at the 10-day point. We had one puppy reach this milestone at nine days. Two more puppies achieved this goal today.

Previously with a large litter (more than 8), I have notice it takes a day or two extra to reach this milestone of doubling their birth weight. All of our puppies have been gaining weight daily and are progressing well to achieve this goal in the next couple days.

Ruska has the ability to feed eight puppies at the same time, leaving three puppies “waiting their turn”. During the day at feeding time, I have been rotating the six larger puppies through this “waiting” by putting them in a “waiting box”in the whelping area – three on one feeding, the other three on the next feeding. This was easily done when they were first born but now that they have become more mobile, they have less patients to wait their turn and climb out of the “waiting box” trying to sneak in for a snack! So, I have had to remove them from the whelping box all together and contained them in a larger “Waiting Box” until it is their turn to nurse.

Puppies in the Waiting box waiting their turn to nurse
3 puppies in the”Waiting Box”
VIDEO: Puppies are now moving faster to nurse. You may have noticed the puppies are wearing different ID collars. We were having trouble with the ribbons, so I welcomed the help of my son Robbie and my husband Tom who made the new collars out of parachute cord. Michaels, where we purchased the cord, had limited colour choice so, a few of the puppy’s collar colours have been substituted: Light Pink girl now has a Pink Camo collar, Brown girl now has a Brown Camo collar and Gold boy now has a Gold Camo collar. 

Adorable Faces

Full tummies!
Pink Camo Collar Girl
Gold Camo Collar Boy
Snuggle time
Light Blue Boy
VIDEO: Red boy crawling. Notice how he is starting to use his hind legs to push as he moves forward. Initially puppies drag their hind legs, similar to an “army crawl”. Over the next few weeks their hind legs continue to strengthen until they can walk and eventually run. (You can hear Tom doing yard work in the background LOL)
Sleeping puppies are growing puppies