Look at Ellie’s Puppies…..They Love To Play Outside

We have had a busy weekend at L.A. Doodles getting five more puppies ready for their forever families. Tomorrow, Ruska’s last puppy is headed home with his forever family. As you can image, it has been much quieter in the morning with only seven puppies to greet me. Ellie’s puppies love to run outside and play together. I tried to capture some of their playtime in the video’s below. Enjoy!

VIDEO – We have a very large spruce tree in our yard that all our litters of puppies have loved to hide under and wrestle there. How many puppies can you see under the tree in this video?Go
VIDEO – The puppies love playing with each other outdoors. Watch a game of “tug-of-war” between some of the puppies

VIDEO – The puppies play in my grandchildren’s playground. The black fabric you see on the ground is the weed barrier that we laid under the playground mulch. Some of the puppies discovered it and tried to pull it up! We will have to fix it after the puppies have gone to their forever homes. Puppies are curious about everything! LOL

The puppies love their outdoor play time with each other. They are learning what is acceptable play when wrestling with each other. If they bite the other puppy too hard, the puppy gives a sharp high pitch yelp to let the other puppy know “that hurts”

We are teaching the puppies the difference between “Puppy Kisses” and “Puppy Nips” Puppies have sharp teeth and they hurt! The puppies are beginning to learn the difference; some puppies are more consistent than others but they are all making progress in this area.

Ellie and our other dogs are continuing to teach the puppies to submit. You can see in the last two pictures below, Ellie is teaching one of her pups – Blue Collar Boy. He is in the submit position (laying on their back). They are suppose to stay in this position until mama walks away. This puppy stayed – Good Puppy!