Ruska is now in the “Whelping Week Window” of her pregnancy and is noticeably larger. She is doing well; getting lots of rest, pampering, and love. Her tummy continues to expand which is making her more uncomfortable with each passing day. The only exercise she is getting is a little run in the yard during bathroom break and moving to different spots in the house trying to find a more comfortable spot to sleep. Ruska has become less active and her appetite has decreased which are signs that she will soon begin whelping.
Usually by this time in her pregnancy, Ruska has gone to the groomers for a haircut and tummy shave to prepare for her puppies arrival, but not this time. With our province wide lock down, our groomers are closed so, with my daughters help, we used scissors to trim some of her tummy hair. I’m definitely not going to take up dog grooming, – Lol – our job doesn’t look the best but the tummy trim will help when her puppies nurse. This litter of puppies are going to have a shaggy mama.
Last week we set up the whelping box in our bedroom. I like to introduce it to her early, so she gets comfortable with it and hopefully she will begin her whelping there. We expect that the puppies will arrive any day now and we will then be busy helping Ruska care for her little ones – I can’t wait!