Our Adorable Puppies Spend Their Day Eating And Sleeping

Ellie’s Puppies

Ellie’s puppies are now 9 days old. Their fur has grown thicker on their faces and their little pink noses have disappeared as the pigment has come in and turned their tiny noses brown. Newborn puppies spend their life eating and sleeping. They need all the energy to nurse and grow. Ideally puppies should double their birth weight at the 10-day point. All five of Ellie’s puppies have reached that milestone early. Way to go Ellie. You are taking such good care of your babies!

Video: Ellie’s babies eat and….sleep
Sweet Dreams

Ruska’s Puppies

Ruska’s puppies are now 19 days old. They have their eyes open and are starting to see clearer. They have also are begun to hear. I noticed today when the carpet cleaner was on, they reacted to the noise and Ruska hurried to reassure them everything was okay. The puppies hind legs are getting stronger as they practice walking on all fours. They are able to move around the whelping box much quicker. The puppies have become aware of their litter-mates and have started to interact with each other for short periods of time. They still sleep much of their day

VIDEO – Four in the waiting box. Puppies are becoming more mobile and can now climb out of their waiting box. I have had to put another basket on the top to contain them.
Sweet Dreams!
paw prints