Pipers Puppies Are Six-Week-Old Today

Today, the puppies are six weeks old. We have had another busy week caring for them and introducing them to many new things. They have grown bigger, and you can see their unique personalities developing. 

Selection Day 

This past Saturday was Selection Day. It is always exciting to meet each forever family and introduce them to their new puppy. I’m happy our puppies are joining such amazing families and will be loved!

After all the socialization, the puppies are always tired. After dinner, they all went into the whelping and fell fast asleep. 

New puppy area

Last week, we set up a new indoor puppy exercise area. This area has potty boxes, a raised dog bed that the puppies love, crates, and carpets for traction. The puppies had a great time exploring their new area. They also had fun playing with each other and their new toys. Some puppies even took their nap in the new crates, and a couple of puppies went under the raised dog bed for their nap.

Watch the puppies explore their new area for the first time. 


This week, we are working on teaching the puppies recall with our “puppy puppy” call. They are alerted and come to me. Right now, we call when it is time for their meal. I put their food in the exercise pen with the door open. Then I open the sleep area pen door. Standing in the exercise pen, I call them. A couple of brave puppies exited their pen and came to me for food. Others took more encouragement. A couple of puppies needed to be carried. With daily practice, we are making progress.

Recall is an ongoing learning lesson that our forever families will continue teaching their puppies.

Outdoor Exercise

On Monday, the puppies had an exciting day. They had their first taste of the outdoors. We were blessed with an unseasonably warm day, and the puppies enjoyed running, chasing each other, and exploring on the deck. 

We fed the puppies their lunch outside on such a warm two days. When it was time to bring them in, some puppies were unhappy and let us know by howling. I played some classical music to calm them, which did the trick.

Looking Ahead to Week Seven

In Week Seven, we will be working on obstacles. The puppies must use their brains to figure out how to maneuver around them. The puppies will also learn how to go down steps.

  • Puppies time spent awake will continue to increase
  • Puppies will have transitioned to dry kibble by the end of week seven
  • We will continue to encourage puppies to use the potty boxes both inside and outside
  • Puppies will continue to socialize and learn from each other through play
  • Puppies will continue exploring and playing together outdoors as weather permits.
  • Puppies will continue learning from their mama as she disciplines and teaches them to behave. 
  • As always, puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time.

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