Should I Crate My Puppy? Decide What Is Best For Your Home Life

Updated 2023

Should I crate train my puppy?

To Crate or Not To Crate? Before you bring your puppy home, you should think about whether you want to use a crate. I came across an article that I feel is very informative and you might find useful when making the decision whether to crate train your puppy or not.


Introduction to the crate

We introduce our puppies to a crate before they go to their forever families.  Below are pictures/video of puppies from previous litter. We first introduce the crate to the puppy area. The puppies will be comfortable going in and out of the crate and using it to sleep in if they wish. Sometime during the last week, the puppies will take a naps in the crate with the door closed.

Puppy area with crate in the corner
Video of puppies having a nap in their crates. Some complain at the start while others just go to sleep


What size of crate should I purchase?

I have had some families inquiring about sizing when purchasing a crate for their new puppy. Our puppies will mature to an adult weight of between 50 – 75 pounds and a height of between 22” – 25” at the withers (highest point of its shoulder blades). Dogs need to have room to stand up straight and turn around comfortably while in their crate.

If you want to purchase only one crate, I would recommend purchasing a 42” crate that comes with a divider. This will allow you to start off with a smaller area when your puppy is young and allows you to increase the size as your puppy grows into adulthood. Initially a puppy should not have too much room in the crate, or they might use one end for “potty”.  You can also choose a crate with one door or two. I use the wire crates which have a plastic floor insert.

Does my puppy have to use a crate their whole life?

The choice is yours to make as your puppy matures. You may decide that you do not want to use a crate if and when your puppy becomes trustworthy.

paw prints
I couldn’t write a post and not include at least a couple pics of our puppies
Ruska’s puppies having a nap in their new expanded enclosure. We have added some toys!
Ellie’s Puppies just waking up from their nap