Sweet Puppies To Brighten A Dreary Saturday

Our days are busy looking after mama’s and puppies. Lots to do – cleaning, weighting, feeding, collar checks and, holding puppies (my favourite) Although the puppies don’t do too much yet, I thought I would put together a couple videos of puppies sleeping and eating. Who doesn’t love to watch puppies?💕

Ellies’ Puppies – Day 5

Ellies’ puppies are five days old and continue to do what newborns do best….eat and sleep.

Ellie’s Puppies just waking up Saturday morning – day 5

Willows’ Puppies – Day 11

Willow’s puppies grow bigger with each passing day. They are still in that eating and sleeping stage but when they wake and it is time to eat, they are now using their hind legs to move – watch the video as they practice walking on all fours. They are very wobbly – so cute!

Look at those eyes!!! 👀

Friday was an exciting day – our first puppy’s eyes started to open! Eyes opening always makes the puppies seem more alive! Over the next few days all Willows’ puppies’ eyes will open.

Our Blue-Collar Boy was the first puppy to open his eyes. It is hard to see with all his merle markings but, if you look closely, you can see his left eye open

paw prints