Maui’s Puppies Turn Five Weeks Old

Maui’s sweet babies are now five weeks old and have developed from helpless newborn puppies to the “mini dogs” they are today. The puppies are now awake for extended periods but still sleep most of their days and nights.

Socializing puppies is essential when raising them, which means introducing them to as many new experiences as possible when they are young. This week was packed full of new Firsts. The puppies moved to the main floor, explored outside the whelping box for playtime, walked on different floor surfaces, played with new toys, and started on solids.

The puppies love Maui’s elevated dog bed! Look for Orange Girl returning to play. When I started videoing, she was using the potty box – such a good girl!

We have been working hard on training puppies to use the potty box. This litter has been a little slower than other Willow’s litter. Some puppies are more consistent than others, but they are all progressing. When they are a little more consistent, we will remove the whelping box and replace it with crates.

Meal Time


Maui is still nursing her puppies but limits how long and is beginning to tell them “NO” gentle growl!


The puppies are now eating soft kibble. I soak the regular kibble with boiling water and let it sit, which makes it easy for puppies to eat. Gradually, the water and soaking time decrease, working toward puppies eating dry kibble by seven weeks of age.

A look back at Week Five

Looking Ahead to Week Six

  • Awake time will continue to increase
  • Puppies will continue learning to use the potty box
  • Introduce crates to the puppy area
  • Socialize with each other through play
  • As they walk on uneven ground, their balance will continue to improve
  • Daily Outdoor play time as weather permits
  • Puppies will continue learning from their mama and our other adult dogs as they teach them dog manners
  • As always, puppies will get lots of cuddle time.

Five weeks old and learning so much

Five Weeks and Counting

It’s hard to believe Willow and Brinkley’s puppies are five weeks old. They have progressed to eating softened kibble, and they are doing well and getting a little chubbier now. They have had a busy week experiencing new things. The puppies moved to the main floor, where they had more space, lots to explore, and new toys.

Introducing Crates

We said goodbye to the Whelping Box on Sunday and set up a new puppy area. At first, we must keep the space small. We want the puppies to use the potty boxes, and if the area is too large, potty training will not progress. The puppies’ enclosure has crates, potty boxes, and an elevated bed, which they love. We keep the crate doors open, and the puppies can enter when they like. We don’t want the crates to be intimidating; instead, we want them to look at crates as a comfy, safe space to sleep.

Puppies get comfortable going in and out of the crates. Many of the puppies seep in the crate with a buddy.
The new puppy area is in my front entrance for Willow’s puppies: two potty boxes, two crates, and an elevated bed.

We continue to work on teaching puppies to void in one spot—in the potty box, not just anywhere. Potty training is going well. Some puppies are better than others, but we are progressing.

A Look Back at Week Five

When our litters turn five weeks old, we begin outdoor play, weather permitting. This should have happened on Sunday; however, we had such a rainy day that we could not go outside. So, on Monday, the puppies had their first outdoor adventure. I was surprised this litter was so outgoing when we took them out. Puppies usually explore their new environment cautiously, taking their time to move around. But not this litter. They smelled around for a few minutes and then took off running, exploring and playing. Could it be because Willow is a strict mama and doesn’t baby her puppies?

After a long play session, the puppies had a long nap to recharge.

Milk Anyone?

Willow started weaning her puppies when they turned three weeks old. She still lets them have a short nurse but quickly regurgitates food for them to eat. Yesterday, when they were in the outside puppy enclosure, Maui joined in to give Willow a hand teaching. The puppies soon realized that if Mama Willow wouldn’t provide the milk, maybe Auntie Maui would.

Looking Ahead to Week Six

  • Awake time will continue to increase
  • Puppies will continue learning to use potty box both indoor and outdoors
  • Socialize with each other through play
  • As they walk on uneven ground, their balance will continue to improve
  • Daily Outdoor play time as weather permits
  • Puppies will continue learning from their mama and our other adult dogs as they teach them dog manners
  • Puppies will meet their forever families ❤️
  • As always, puppies will get lots of cuddle time.

Eight Weeks Old and Time to Say Good-Bye

Echo’s Puppies

Eight Weeks Old

Eight weeks have passed since Echo’s tiny babies came into the world. Remember how small they were…..We could hold them in the palm of my hand. They have learned so much over these past eight weeks. I have enjoyed raising them to the point where they are ready to join their forever families. The puppies have spent their time outdoors, running and exploring in our yard. Echo has done a fantastic job raising and teaching her puppies. This past week, we have worked on acceptable behaviour, mainly the difference between nipping and kissing. Puppies are not always consistent but have made significant progress in this area. I love puppy kisses!!!


Puppies are leaving this week for their forever homes. You have a lot of work ahead of you: correcting, training, caring for your new puppy, and learning. The time and work you put into training your puppy pays off when you have a loving, well-behaved dog that will love you as only a dog can— but be patient; they are still unconditionally. You will be the most important person in the world to them. 

It is always bittersweet to say goodbye to our puppies. I have enjoyed every minute of their care, and they have a piece of my heart. I say goodbye to my puppies with sadness, but seeing the excitement of their forever families brings me joy. Wishing you a long and happy life! ❤️

Maui’s Puppies

Maui’s puppies are growing bigger and more adorable with each passing day! This week, they started potty training; although they still sleep much of the day, when awake, they love socializing with their littermates through play and climbing on my lap for cuddles.

Puppies Start Solids

Maui has done a great job feeding her puppies; they are healthy, chubby babies. Now that the puppies have turned four weeks old, it’s time to start solids.

A look at those adorable faces

The Girls


The Boys



Looking Ahead to Week Five

  • Move to the main floor
  • Puppies will continue learning to use the potty area
  • Awake time will increase
  • The puppies will continue to socialize with each other through play 
  • Toys will be added to our whelping box for puppies to explore
  • Enlarging the puppy area, giving puppies room to play and explore
  • Mama will now add the invaluable teaching phase to her caring & protecting responsibilities over the next weeks.

Willow’s four-week-olds – Growing up quickly!

We made it through another busy week! Willow’s babies have grown, milk teeth have erupted, and they have been introduced to new things this week: potty training and solids started.

Potty Training

When the puppies are learning, we don’t clean the potty area because the smell helps them know where to” go.”

Because Willow wanted to start weaning her puppies, we introduced potty training. The mama won’t clean up after they start eating solids, so this was number one on the list of things to teach.

On Monday, we added a potty area to the whelping box. The new addition contains potty boxes filled with pine pellets. The puppies were curious and checked things out. Over the next few days, the puppies got the idea that their whelping box was for play and sleep, and the potty boxes were there to go potty in. Accidents always happen, so keeping the whelping box clean is essential. The vet bedding was changed multiple times daily, which meant lots of laundry.

After a few days, seeing the progress being made was encouraging. Such smart puppies!

Starting Solids

As our three-week blog mentioned, Willow wanted to wean her puppies early, but I wanted them to wait a few more days before introducing solids. So, I would sit with Willow in the whelping box during feeding time. This encouragement helped, and she continued to feed her babies.

Towards the end of the week, Willow would no longer lie down to nurse; Willow wanted to feed her puppies in the standing position. This is another sign that she is weening them. The puppies stand to feed but don’t get as much milk in this position because they fall and have to start again.

Willow would still regurgitate food for her puppies, but at least they were still getting Mama’s milk. Willow’s puppies are lean compared to Maui’s chunky babies and need a little help fattening up. So, on Saturday, it was time to start feeding the puppies their puppy mush.

Puppy mush is made from ground kibble, puppy formula and boiled water.

Looking Back at Week Three

Here’s a look back at Week Three of Willow and Brinkley’s puppies’ lives. Notice how much stronger their hind legs have become.

The puppies have become more aware of their littermates and like to play and wrestle. Notice the puppies’ mouthing—this is essential to learning to have a soft mouth. Playing too rough will prevent you from having puppy friends to play with.

Looking Ahead to Week Five

  • Move to the main floor
  • Puppies will continue learning to use the potty area
  • Awake time will increase
  • The puppies will continue to socialize with each other through play 
  • Toys will be added to our whelping box for puppies to explore
  • Enlarging the puppy area, giving puppies room to play and explore
  • Mama will now add the invaluable teaching phase to her caring & protecting responsibilities over the next weeks.

Maui’s Chunky Babies are Three Weeks Old

Looking Back

Maui’s beautiful three-week-old puppies have been progressing rapidly this week. The puppies are becoming more aware of their surroundings and have begun to play with each other during their short “awake” time.

Maui has had lots of practice helping our other girls raise their babies, so it is not surprising that she is a fantastic mama. She is very attentive to her little ones’ feeding, cleaning, and care.

She has a smaller litter than our other girls, making it easier for her puppies to pack on the weight. They are very chunky, and I can feel a layer of fat on them. Great job, Maui!

Puppy Culture

This week, the puppies were in the Transitional Period. We continued our ENS exercises, which cause tiny stresses to benefit our puppies by increasing their tolerance to stress and disease resistance, speeding up their adrenal system, and strengthening their heart rate and heartbeat. Tuesday was Day 16 of the puppies’ lives and the final day for our ENS exercises.

Critical Socialization Period (weeks 3 – 12)

The next period for Maui’s three-week-old puppies is the Critical Socialization Period. We know that puppies have entered this period when they react to sounds. We raise our puppies following many of the Puppy Culture protocols. Following these protocols helps us reach our goal of “Raise Healthy, Calm, Confident, Well-Adjusted Puppies.”

Over the remaining weeks, we will be working on new experiences for the puppies, exposing them to as many new experiences as possible to raise the best possible companions for their forever families.

Emotional Intelligence

Because Goldendoodles are companion dogs, teaching emotional intelligence to young puppies and starting them with a great beginning is essential. With this intention, we follow seven key things to nurture a puppy’s emotional intelligence.

  1. Communication – giving a puppy his voice, i.e. Communication manding and attention/distraction protocols
  2. Emotional stability – the ability to recover quickly from fear as well as stress, i.e., startle recovery, barrier challenges, etc
  3. Habituation – familiarize the puppies with the maximum number of things during their Critical Development Period—in particular, Puppy Parties, sound protocols, household noises, and meeting different people and dogs.
  4. Enrichment—Teach the puppies that novelty and challenges are enrichment opportunities, not to be feared or avoided. For example, they can be introduced to new novelty items on an ongoing basis at an activity centre, car ride, outdoors, etc.
  5. Health – physical wellness and motor skills that will allow the puppy to develop neurologically and physically soundly. For instance, daily weight checks, grooming, proper nutrition, fecal checks, and deworming, if necessary, vet health checks and vaccinations)
  6. Skills – learned behaviours that teach the puppy to function in human society, i.e., recall, manding, simple commands, potty box training, crate introduction, resource guarding, bite inhibition, etc.
  7. Love – teach puppies to seek out the company of dogs and humans as emotionally positive experiences, i.e., Daily cuddles with humans and the puppy’s mom.
  8. Shaping emotional responses: happy and calm CER (Conditioned Emotional Responses). For instance, treats and encouragement during puppy training.

Maui’s adorable three-week-old puppies In order of appearance:
Boys – Blue, Brown, Yellow, Green and Grey Collars
Girls – Orange and Pink Collars

Aware of Their Surroundings

This week, the puppies have become more aware of their surroundings. The video shows them interacting with their littermates, and because of this interaction, the puppies begin learning dog manners.

Looking Ahead to Week Four

  • Puppies will still sleep much of the day/night as they continue to grow rapidly
  • Interact with littermates through play, which will help develop essential social skills
  • Practicing walking on all fours and consequently strengthening their hind legs
  • Becoming steadier on their feet
  • Hearing will improve 
  • Puppy milk teeth will erupt
  • Puppies will be moving to the main floor towards the end of the week

Seven Weeks of Growing and Learning

Echo’s puppies are now seven weeks old. They have grown so much and continue to learn new things daily. This past week, there have been many firsts for the puppies: exiting the house and reentering, learning to go up and down the steps, a car ride, a vet visit, and running in the Big Yard, to name a few. They have also graduated to eating hard kibble. Feeding time is easy now; measure and pour into their dish.

Becoming More Independent

The puppies are learning daily. They have learned to go outside and back inside independently (without my help).

This video shows their first attempt at going outside on their own. You can hear Maui barking to encourage them😂

The puppies have since become very proficient at going outside on their own.

Working on Recall

Another thing that the puppies have been working on is recall. We start this by calling “puppy, puppy” when feeding them and when it is time to gather at the puppy entrance to bring them back inside. Now that they have access to the Big Yard, we call them to gather them together to ensure all are accounted for. This video shows the puppies coming when called. I was impressed that all the puppies came to me when called!👏👏.

A Visit to the Vet

Wednesday was a big day for the puppies. It was their first car ride and a visit to the vet. It is always exciting when the puppies go to the vet, and they always have so many admirers at our vet clinic.

All the puppies had a complete wellness check, their first vaccinations, and the dreaded microchip. I am happy to report that we only had one Yelp, and all our puppies are healthy!

As usual, I was again complimented on how calm and well-behaved our puppies are. It is fulfilling to hear compliments like this, proving that all the hard work we put into the puppies really does make a difference!


Puppy Culture states in #3 & #7 that puppies need lots of human interaction in the critical socialization stage.

#3 Habituation – familiarity with the maximum number of things (Puppy Parties, sound protocols, household noises, meeting different people, dogs, etc.)

#7 Love – teach puppies to seek out the company of dogs and humans as emotionally positive experiences, i.e., Daily cuddles with humans and the puppy’s mom.

We have had many human interactions with the puppies. Many grandchildren make an instant Puppy Party and are always willing to help interact with them

Our puppies also benefit from interaction with other dogs in our household. Maui and Willow are helping Echo teach the puppies dog manners. Brinkley is a big dog and shows up occasionally as well.

Willow works with Black Collar Girl

Looking Back at Week Seven

It has been another busy week for the puppies—so many new things to experience.

Things to watch for:

  • Puppies wrestle – important to teach soft mouth and to play nice
  • Interactions with other dogs
  • Interactions with children
  • Running in the big yard
  • Willow teaching the puppy to submit-(laying on its back)
  • Green Girl is perfecting the perfect doodle sleep position😂
  • Car rides
  • Vet visit
  • Dry Kibble
  • Fresh filtered ice water always available 🙂

Looking Ahead to Week Eight

  • Puppies will continue exploring and playing together inside and outdoors as weather permits
  • The puppies will continue to run in the BIG yard where we will work on recall
  • Echo along with our other dogs will continue teaching the puppies dog manners
  • Crate training begins with the door closed for short naps
  • We will continue to encourage puppies to use the potty area 
  • Puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time

Willow’s Three Week Old – Such Cuties

Three Weeks Old

Puppies grow so quickly, as you can see from the newborn photo of Willow’s puppies compared to their photo at three weeks of age. Willow has done a fantastic job caring for her babies. Feeding, cleaning and keeping the puppies warm is a full-time job.

Willow is a mama who is loving but strict. In the past, she hadn’t babied her puppies. This litter is no exception. On Sunday morning, right on cue, she showed me it was time to start weaning. After breakfast, she returned to her whelping box, and as usual, the puppies were excited to see Mama. Instead of lying down to nurse them, she regurgitated breakfast for her puppies. They were not too interested and wanted Mama’s milk, so I went into the whelping box with Willow and got her to nurse her puppies.

This is not unusual, as some dogs start weaning at three weeks. They know that those sharp baby teeth will soon be in—ouch! 😬

Puppy Culture

This week, the puppies were in the Transitional Period. We continued our ENS exercises, which introduced tiny stresses to the puppies.These stresses benefit our puppies by increasing their tolerance to disease, speeding up their adrenal system, and strengthening their heart rate and heartbeat. Sunday, Day 16, was the final day for our ENS exercises.

Critical Socialization Period (weeks 3 – 12)

The next period for Willow’s three-week-old puppies is the Critical Socialization Period. We know that puppies have entered this period when they react to sounds. We raise our puppies following many of the Puppy Culture protocols. Following these protocols helps us reach our goal of “Raise Healthy, Calm, Confident, Well-Adjusted Puppies. “

Over the remaining weeks we will be working on new experiences for the puppies by exposing them to as many new experiences as possible to raise the best possible companion for their forever families.

Three Weeks Old

This video shows each puppy and its markings.

Note: In the video, I omitted the collar colour of some puppies and made a mistake on the Red Boy. Below, I have the collar colour of each puppy in order of appearance.

THE BOYS: Red, Black, and Blue collars

THE GIRLS: Yellow, Orange, Pink, Purple, Light Green, and Dark Green Collars

A Look Back At week Three

This past week, the puppies have spent most of their time eating and sleeping. They are now starting to interact with their littermates.

Looking Ahead to Week Four

  • Puppies will still sleep much of the day/night as they continue to grow rapidly
  • Interact with littermates through play, which will help develop essential social skills
  • Practicing walking on all fours strengthening their hind legs 
  • Becoming steadier on their feet 
  • Hearing will improve 
  • Puppy milk teeth will erupt
  • Solids will be introduced
  • Potty training will begin

Maui’s Two Week Old Beauties

Two weeks old

Two weeks have passed since Maui’s puppies came into the world. They are growing like weeds and getting chunky. Maui is devoted to her babies and is a wonderful mama who cares for their every need.

The Transitional Period

Now that Maui’s puppies are two weeks old, they have entered the Transitional Period from days 14 to 21. Each litter is different, and it enters the next period, the Critical Socialization Period, when the puppies “first startle” at a sound.


When raising puppies, we watch for Milestones to gauge their progress. This week, Maui’s puppies reached two milestones.


The puppies’ first milestone this week was Doubling their birth weight. Maui’s puppies were packing on the weight quickly. One puppy doubled on day six, three puppies on day seven, two on day eight, and one on day ten. This is a record for our breeding program. Great job, Maui!

Eyes Opened

Day 10

Another milestone was reached during the week—eye-opening. On day ten, I was excited to notice three of our puppies had opened their eyes: yellow, brown, and green boys. The next day, day eleven, blue and grey boys and orange girls opened their eyes. One day, twelve pink girls’ eyes opened, too.

Seeing the puppies look back at me is always exciting—I think they look more “alive”!

Those Beautiful Eyes

The Boys

Green Boy
Yellow Boy
Grey Boy
Brown Boy

The Girls

Orange Girl

Looking Back at Week Two

The puppies spend their time eating and sleeping.

Looking Ahead to Week Three

  • ENS exercises will continue until day 16
  • Puppies will continue to eat and sleep most of their day
  • Sight will become clearer
  • Ears will open, and they will begin to hear
  • Puppies will practice walking on all fours, strengthening their hind legs
  • They will become more aware of their littermates and start to interact
  • Puppies will start to vocalize

Echo’s Six Week Old Sweeties

Looking back

The puppies are six weeks old today. We have had another busy week caring for them and introducing them to many new things. They have grown bigger, and you can see each unique personality developing. Echo continues to wean her puppies, and they eat softened kibble. We continue to work on Potty training. Some puppies are more consistent than others, but we are making progress.

Crate Introduction

This week, we said goodbye to the whelping box and started crate training in a new puppy area. I start the puppies with a few crates, leaving the door open. This is the beginning of crate training. The puppies go in on their own to explore, and the door is always open.

Selection Day

This past Saturday was Selection Day. The weather was beautiful, and excitement was in the air as we met each forever family and introduced them to their new puppy! It always brings me joy to know that all our puppies are joining such amazing families and will be loved!

Outdoor Play

We’ve been having wonderful weather, and the puppies really enjoy their outdoor play time. They love running, chasing each other, playing with the activity center, and climbing the “rock wall.”

Echo, Willow, and Maui teach the puppies proper doggy manners during the outdoor play sessions.

  • Awake will continue to increase
  • Puppies will begin dry kibble by the end of week seven
  • We will continue to encourage puppies to use potty box
  • Puppies will continue to socialize and learn from each other through play
  • Exploring and playing together outdoors as weather permits
  • Puppies will continue learning from their mama as she disciplines and teaches them to behave
  • As always, puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time

Willow’s Puppies Turn Two Weeks Old

The Transitional Period

Willow’s puppies are now two weeks old and have entered the Transitional Period from day 14 – 21. Each litter is different and enters the next period, the Critical Socialization Period when the puppies “first startle” at a sound.

Two week old puppy huddle


When raising puppies, we watch for Milestones to gauge the progress of our puppies. This weekWillow’s puppies reached two milestones.


The first milestone the puppies reached this week was Doubling Their Birthweight. We are pleased to say that all Willow’s puppies have double their birth weight. Great job Willow!

Eyes Opened

Day 11

Another milestone was reached later in the week – Eyes Opening. Puppy’s eyes open between day 10 and day 14. On day 11, I was excited to notice that Yellow Girl had opened her eyes. Seeing the puppies look back at me is always exciting – I think they look more “alive”!

Soon after, and day by day the rest of the puppies opened their eyes too.

Daily Cleaning

As we stated before newborn puppies are susceptible to disease. For this reason, it is important to keep their area clean. We clean and disinfect their whelping box daily.

What is Vet Bedding? At first glance, you may think it is sheepskin. It is a manmade version of a sheepskin. It’s made from artificial fibres and has two sections: first, an underlying mesh, similar to the “skin” part of a sheepskin, and second, the comfy, soft, springy artificial fleece part that is attached to the mesh.

Puppies must have proper traction while nursing, moving around the whelping box, and learning to walk as this traction protects the puppy’s growing joints.

Time to Add a Panel

While cleaning in the whelping room Willow was resting on the elevated bed. I looked over to see some of her puppies had climbed out of their box and were nursing.

It is time to add a panel to the entrance

Looking Back at Week Two

The puppies spend their time eating and sleeping.

DAY 14
Puppies return to a clean whelping box. Notice how the puppies are starting to use their hind legs.

Those Beautiful Eyes

The Boys

The Girls

Looking Ahead to Week Three

  • ENS exercises will continue until day 16
  • Puppies will continue to eat and sleep most of their day
  • Sight will become clearer
  • Ears will open and they will begin to hear.
  • Puppies will practice walking on all fours, strengthening their hind legs
  • They will become more aware of their littermates and start to interact
  • Puppies will start to vocalize