Seven Weeks of Growing and Learning

Echo’s puppies are now seven weeks old. They have grown so much and continue to learn new things daily. This past week, there have been many firsts for the puppies: exiting the house and reentering, learning to go up and down the steps, a car ride, a vet visit, and running in the Big Yard, to name a few. They have also graduated to eating hard kibble. Feeding time is easy now; measure and pour into their dish.

Becoming More Independent

The puppies are learning daily. They have learned to go outside and back inside independently (without my help).

This video shows their first attempt at going outside on their own. You can hear Maui barking to encourage them😂

The puppies have since become very proficient at going outside on their own.

Working on Recall

Another thing that the puppies have been working on is recall. We start this by calling “puppy, puppy” when feeding them and when it is time to gather at the puppy entrance to bring them back inside. Now that they have access to the Big Yard, we call them to gather them together to ensure all are accounted for. This video shows the puppies coming when called. I was impressed that all the puppies came to me when called!👏👏.

A Visit to the Vet

Wednesday was a big day for the puppies. It was their first car ride and a visit to the vet. It is always exciting when the puppies go to the vet, and they always have so many admirers at our vet clinic.

All the puppies had a complete wellness check, their first vaccinations, and the dreaded microchip. I am happy to report that we only had one Yelp, and all our puppies are healthy!

As usual, I was again complimented on how calm and well-behaved our puppies are. It is fulfilling to hear compliments like this, proving that all the hard work we put into the puppies really does make a difference!


Puppy Culture states in #3 & #7 that puppies need lots of human interaction in the critical socialization stage.

#3 Habituation – familiarity with the maximum number of things (Puppy Parties, sound protocols, household noises, meeting different people, dogs, etc.)

#7 Love – teach puppies to seek out the company of dogs and humans as emotionally positive experiences, i.e., Daily cuddles with humans and the puppy’s mom.

We have had many human interactions with the puppies. Many grandchildren make an instant Puppy Party and are always willing to help interact with them

Our puppies also benefit from interaction with other dogs in our household. Maui and Willow are helping Echo teach the puppies dog manners. Brinkley is a big dog and shows up occasionally as well.

Willow works with Black Collar Girl

Looking Back at Week Seven

It has been another busy week for the puppies—so many new things to experience.

Things to watch for:

  • Puppies wrestle – important to teach soft mouth and to play nice
  • Interactions with other dogs
  • Interactions with children
  • Running in the big yard
  • Willow teaching the puppy to submit-(laying on its back)
  • Green Girl is perfecting the perfect doodle sleep position😂
  • Car rides
  • Vet visit
  • Dry Kibble
  • Fresh filtered ice water always available 🙂

Looking Ahead to Week Eight

  • Puppies will continue exploring and playing together inside and outdoors as weather permits
  • The puppies will continue to run in the BIG yard where we will work on recall
  • Echo along with our other dogs will continue teaching the puppies dog manners
  • Crate training begins with the door closed for short naps
  • We will continue to encourage puppies to use the potty area 
  • Puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time

Echo’s sweet babies are now five weeks old

Echo’s sweet babies are now five weeks old and have developed from helpless newborn puppies to the “mini dogs” they are today. The puppies are now awake for longer periods and enjoy playing with each other, and their toys, and cuddle time. We can now see their personalities starting to develop.

It is important when raising puppies to socialize them which means introducing them to as many new experiences as possible when they are young. For instance, the puppies have been introduced to this week are different floor surfaces, new toys, the outside, and our other adult dogs.

Potty Training

We have been working hard on training puppies to use the potty box. Some of the puppies are more consistent than others but, all the puppies are making great progress. It’s amazing to watch puppies wake up or stop playing and go over to use their potty box.

Meal Time

The puppies are always excited when they smell the food being prepared.

Now the puppies are eating three meals a day of soggy kibble.

The puppies are still nursing from their mama any chance they get but Echo limits this and is beginning to tell them “NO” with a stern growl! They also get plenty of fresh filtered water

Puppy Parties

Family gatherings are one of the many things I love about our large family . This past Mother’s Day weekend was a busy one; to help me out with puppy cuddles, we built a Puppy Party to socialize the puppies with different people. The puppies were held, cuddled and played with by both young and old. They especially love playing with my grandchildren and interacting with them. As you can imagine, after all the handling, the puppies were tired out and slept well

Outside Adventure

The puppies had their first taste of the outdoors yesterday. During this time, it is always and exciting time to watch how they explore. Our mama dogs love to have their puppies outside because it give them a larger area to teach them.

Echo spent time with her puppies making sure they felt save.

Looking Ahead to Week Six

  • Awake time will continue to increase
  • Puppies will continue learning to use potty box both indoor and outdoors
  • Socialize with each other through play
  • As they walk on uneven ground, their balance will continue to improve
  • Daily Outdoor play time as weather permits
  • Puppies will continue learning from their mama and our other adult dogs as they teach them dog manners
  • Puppies will meet their forever families ❤️
  • As always, puppies will get lots of cuddle time.