Look at Maui’s Adorable Six-Week-Old Puppies

Six Weeks Old

The puppies are six weeks old today. We have had another busy week caring for them and introducing them to many new things. They have grown bigger, and you can see each unique personality developing. Maui continues to wean her puppies while they eat softened kibble. We continue to work on potty training, and we are making progress. Some puppies are more consistent, but all the puppies are making progress.

The Girls

Pink Collar Girl
Orange Collar Girl

The Boys

Green Collar Boy
Blue Collar Boy
Brown Collar Boy
Yellow Collar Boy
Grey Collar Boy

New Puppy Area

We said goodbye to the whelping box this week and started crate training in a new puppy area. I started the puppies with two crates, leaving the door open. This is the beginning of crate training. The puppies explore independently, and the door is always open.

Looking Back At Week Six

The puppies experienced new things. They enjoy outdoor play time with their own litter. We also introduced them to Willow’s litter during some of their outdoor play time.

This past week has been very hot, so we introduced water through various containers and a pool. The puppies loved the water and some were brave and went into the pool


In Week Seven, we will be working on obstacles. The puppies must use their brains to figure out how to maneuver around them. The puppies will also learn how to go down steps.

  • Puppies will meet their forever families
  • Puppies time spent awake will continue to increase
  • Puppies will begin dry kibble by the end of week seven
  • Puppies will visit the vet for their wellness check-up and vaccinations
  • We will continue to encourage puppies to use potty box
  • Puppies will continue to socialize and learn from each other through play
  • Puppies will continue exploring and playing together outdoor as weather permits
  • Puppies will continue learning from their mama as she disciplines them and teaches them to behave 
  • As always, puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time.

Willow’s Six Week Puppies…So Cute

The puppies are six weeks old. We have had another busy week caring for them and introducing them to many new things. They have grown bigger, and you can see each unique personality developing. The puppies have now progressed to eating softened kibble. They enjoy wrestling, running and chasing each other during outdoor playtime. They are doing very well using their potty box inside. We still have accidents here and there, but for the most part, they are fairly consistent.

Puppies in the enclosure. We have kept it small to encourage the puppies to use the potty boxes.

We are working on teaching the puppies recall with our “puppy puppy.” They are alerted and come to me. Right now, we call when I want them to come to the entrance of the puppy enclosure to take them outside and also when it is time for their meal. Recall is an ongoing learning lesson that our forever families will continue teaching their puppies.

We also expose the puppies to grooming, which makes it easier for their forever family to continue when they go home. We brush the puppies daily, clip their nails, and clean their ears weekly.

Willow continues to be the strict mama, and her puppies listen well to her. She has been teaching individual puppies to submit.

Selection Day

There is always excitement on Selection Day. We love sharing this excitement as we introduce families to the puppies. It was great to meet Willow’s puppies’ families and help them choose their puppy.

Looking back on Week Six


In Week Seven, we will be working on obstacles. The puppies must use their brains to figure out how to maneuver around them. The puppies will also learn how to go down steps.

  • Puppies time spent awake will continue to increase
  • Puppies will begin dry kibble by the end of week seven
  • We will continue to encourage puppies to use potty box
  • Puppies will continue to socialize and learn from each other through play
  • Puppies will continue exploring and playing together outdoor as weather permits
  • Puppies will continue learning from their mama as she disciplines them and teaches them to behave 
  • As always, puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time.