“Twenty-One Puppies To Love And Cuddle”

I am definitely very busy with twenty-one puppies to care for but, I love this job. Who could tire of puppy cuddles and looking at those adorable faces? Not me!

Ellie’s Puppies

During the first two weeks of a puppies life, they spend 90% of their time sleeping. Now that Ellies’s milk is in they are satisfied for a longer time in-between feedings. Ellie has started to spend short periods of time away from her puppies

When it comes to matters of the potty, puppies need their mothers help at first. For the first couple of weeks or so, newborn puppies do not instinctively know how to nor do they possess the ability to eliminate themselves without their mother cleaning them. Ellie has an around the clock job feeding and keeping her babies clean.

Ellie has a full time job caring for eleven puppies

Puppies have already changed since they were born. Their fur is already growing, they are bigger and their pigmentation is developing. Notice in the photo below the puppy’s nose and pads. When the puppies were born, they had those adorable pink noses. They are now darkening and will soon be black or possibly brown. Elie’s puppies are growing up!

Notice pigment in puppy’s nose, lips and foot pads changing colour

Watch closely and you can see the puppies “twitch”. Twitching in puppies has a very important function and is a sign of healthy development. It is believed that twitching actually helps the puppy develop strong muscles.

Pics of those adorable babies

paw prints

Ruska’s Puppies

Ruska’s puppies are seven weeks old and have an important week of learning. Ruska will continue teaching and disciplining her puppies. This week she will teach her puppies to submit. In the pictures below you can see a couple puppies in the submit position – lying on their backs.

Ruska teaching her puppies to submit

Ruska’s puppies at play

One Reply to ““Twenty-One Puppies To Love And Cuddle””

  1. Thank you Laurie-Anne for all the
    updates and pictures.
    The puppies are adorable.
    Ruska’s puppies have grown so big and beautiful. Good luck in your forever homes.

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