Six weeks old today. We have had another busy week caring for Ellie’s babies. They have been introduced to so many new things including the outdoors. This week we have had multiple weather conditions including snow and rain, both warm and cold temperatures, and sunshine – the puppies have experienced them all. We have continued to expose the puppies to different household sounds such as vacuums, pots and pans, stove fan, dishwasher, music etc. The puppies have been exposed to new outdoor sounds including planes/helicopters, lawn mower tractor, outdoor building sounds i.e., hammering, saws, etc. The puppies have been introduced to many different walking surfaces both inside and out i.e., tiled and smooth flooring, carpet, and outside decking when dry, wet from the rain and snow covered. We are also teaching the puppies to maneuver up and down steps.

The puppies have grown bigger, and you can see each unique personality developing as they play and interact. They have now progressed to eating softened kibble. They enjoy spending the days playing with their littermates. Mama continues to wean them as she teaches them to submit. Ruska, Willow and Daddy Brinkley are also helping out teaching Ellie’s babies!
- Puppies time spent awake will continue to increase
- Puppies will progress to dry kibble by the end of week seven
- We will continue to encourage puppies to use potty area
- Puppies will continue to socialize and learn from each other through play
- Puppies will continue exploring and playing together outdoor as weather permits
- Puppies will continue learning from their mama as she disciplines them and teaches them to behave
- As always, puppies will continue to get lots of cuddle time
- Puppies will meet their forever families