It is always a day that we look forward to – Puppy’s Eyes Opening. It can happen anywhere from ten days to two weeks. Last night at weigh-in and ENS exercise time, I was excited to discover that Cayenne Collar Boy from Willow and Brinkley’s litter was the first puppy to open his eyes! I always feel the puppies start to feel more alive once their eyes open and look back at me. 😊 Over the next few days, all the puppies eyes will open.
Milestone Reached
Our mama’s are doing a wonderful job caring for their babies. We monitor our puppies progress, comparing them to our previous litters and observe them during their short awake times. All the puppies are doing well, gaining strength in their hind legs as they exercise moving to their mama’s for their next meal.
From our past experience, the puppies should double their birthweight somewhere between 8 – 12 days. Ellie’s litter all doubled their birth weight on day 8 and 9. Willow has an extra puppy to feed and therefore are gaining a little slower. Yesterday on day 9, two of her puppies doubled their birth-weight. Over the next few day, the rest of her litter will have reached this milestone. After all, at this stage in the puppies life, all they do is eat and sleep 💤