Day 65 and yes, still waiting

We have had many inquires the past couple days from families, so I wanted to give an update on Ruska and her expectant litter of puppies ……. Ruska is doing well, – getting lots of rest, love and pampering. Her tummy continues to expand which I’m sure is making her more uncomfortable with each passing day. I am doing my best to be patient. I get up in the middle of the night just to check on her and when I wake in the morning I’m disappointed that we are still waiting to meet our little ones. It reminds me of my own pregnancies. I was overdue and with each passing day getting more impatient!

The puppies are still very active and when we place our hand on her tummy it is easy to feel them moving. It is always exciting for me when I listen to the puppies heartbeats but Ruska is never keen on the idea. I don’t think she likes the noise from the doppler LOL. I thought you might also enjoy hearing them so I enlisted the help of my daughter and she videoed for me to share. Enjoy!

Listening for puppy heartbeats

Finding Puppy Heartbeats

Listen to hear three different puppy heartbeats

It’s difficult to predict an exact due date with dogs. Ruska’s previous litters of puppies came at the beginning of her “whelping window” but, with this pregnancy it is not the case. We are now on day 65. It is not unheard of that dogs don’t deliver until day 68 -70. She was bred with Tulo three times over a 5 day period. Multiple breedings are done because you’re guessing when your female is ovulating. I believe she did not conceive during the first and second mating. The third mating is when she conceived, making a later whelping date. We will have to continue to be patient! Not easy for me or our families waiting for the news! 

Still waiting

Everything is ready and we are waiting with anticipation . Ruska has slowed down the last couple days and getting lots of rest. I am sure she is getting uncomfortable as her tummy grows larger with each passing day. Gestation period for puppies is anywhere from 58 day to 65 days; we are on Day 61. Hopefully our whelping box will be full of puppies very soon!  I will post the news when they arrive.

Whelping box set up and waiting

Supplies ready and waiting

Ruska sleeping, resting up for the delivery. What a big tummy!

Upcoming Litters

Ruska and Tulo’s F2B Goldendoodles

Due date: July 23, 2020

Ruska is a Apricot F1 Standard Goldendoodle weighing 58 lbs. Tulo is a Cream F1B Standard Goldendoodle weighing 70 lbs.. This is their third litter of puppies. They have produced beautiful calm puppies and we have had glowing feedback from their wonderful families.

Ellie and Brinkley’s Multi-generation (F2bb) Goldendoodles

Due Date: August 12, 2020

Ellie is our fun loving Cafe au Lait Standard Poodle weighing 50 lbs.. Brinkley is our calm gentle F2B Flat coat Goldendoodle weighing 75 lbs. This is their first mating. They both have loving gentle dispositions which they should pass on to their puppies.

If you would like to be added to our waiting list for either litter, please follow instructions via the contact page.

Next Litter

We are excited and looking forward to another litter of puppies. Ruska was bred to Tulo the last week of May. If all goes well, puppies will be due July 26, 2020.

Date Night
Wet Dogs – Ruska and Tulo love the outdoors; even in the rain!

Our waiting list is open and we already have families interested in this litter. If you would like to be added to our wait list, or have any questions you may contact us through our contact page

Introducing Willow, our new puppy

Spring is here and I am again challenged keeping my dogs clean from the mud caused by melting snow and rain. My dog wash is getting plenty of use! I am so looking forward to the warmer weather and sunshine to dry up our yard!

Last week my daughter and I took a road trip to pick up our new puppy Willow. She is a beautiful standard parti poodle with chocolate merle markings. It is such an exciting time when a puppy joins the family but an adjustment to all, including our dogs Ruska, Ellie and Brinkley. Brinkley and Ellie were unsure if they wanted little Willow to join our family and let her know by growls and even a few snaps. Ruska, the matriarch of our dog family, put everyone in their place and took over mothering our new pup.

Potty Training

Willow is becoming more comfortably with her new surroundings and fitting in well. She is such a sweet, smart puppy and we have begun her training – working on some commands ….. sit, stay, down etc.

Potty training has also begun. Willow was “Kennel Raised” and did not begin potty training with her breeders. Even though she is three months old, she didn’t have a clue about the rules of going potty. Willow has now developed a habit which has to be broken, making potting training harder. I have begun trying to teach her there is a place to go potty – outside (not anywhere in the house whenever she feels the urge).

Even though it takes a lot of time and effort on my part, this is why I have chosen to raise our puppy litters in my home. At around 3-1/2 weeks of age we move our puppies out of the whelping box and into our puppy enclosure area. This is when potty training begins. I spend most of my time durning the next 3 days, putting each puppy in the potty area each time they wake and after they eat. This teaches them there is a “place” to go potty. It is amazing how quickly they figure it out and so satisfying to see them run to the potty area by themselves when they wake up or while they are playing! I believe it makes it easier for their forever family to house train when they go home.

My puppy litters begin potty training at around 3 -1/2 weeks of age. The above photo is of our puppy enclosure where we raise our puppies when they leave their whelping box. Notice the potty area in the top right corner of our puppy enclosure.

Today is a beautiful sunny day and so welcomed after many days of rain! Hopefully it will help dry up our yard because, rain or shine, our dogs like to spend most of their day outside.

The Countdown is on….

The countdown is on……I am looking forward with excitement to the arrival of Ruska’s and Tulo’s puppies. Tomorrow will mark one week until the due date. We can now feel her puppies moving when we put our hands on her tummy! She is getting extra attention and all the cuddles she wants. The whelping box is now set up beside my bed and I have noticed Ruska napping in it a few times. Hopefully she will start whelping in her box and not in my bed.

I have been trying to keep the dogs in the air-conditioned house and limit the time outside during these hot humid days. Ruska is slowing down some as her tummy is expanding but she still likes to patrol the yard and chase the squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits and birds. Then she jumps into the pond at the end of our waterfall to cool off LOL

Look for our Birth Announcement. I will post it on our website when the puppies arrive.

Search for a new whelping box

I wanted to replace my wooden whelping box we used for our previous litter of puppies so, my search began. Living in Canada makes it more challenging when searching for things but am happy to say I found a web site ( selling “Canadian Made” whelping boxes. They are designed and made to order by a breeder. The reviews were positive so I placed my order about two weeks ago.

The dogs and I were excited today because our new whelping box arrived. It is made of corrugated plastic making it light weight., durable and easy to clean and sanitize. I am pleased with the quality and how easy it is to set up. It folds flat and fits back into the delivery box for easy storage. There are two additional door inserts which raise the enterance to contain the pups as they grow and become more active. I ordered the “pig rails” as well.

When I finished setting it up, Ruska was eager to go in to explore and Ellie thought she would check things out as well. I believe it gets a “paw’s up” from Ruska. After exploring she laid down in it. I wonder if it brings back memories of raising her last litter.

Next Litter

Ruska was breed to Tulo at the end of May. Pregnancy will not be confirmed until the end of June. If positive, we expect puppies to be born around August 2nd.

Check back soon for confirmation of pregnancy

The Joys of Spring

Oh how I look forward to the arrival of spring. The time when new life begins to sprout from the ground and the trees begin to show signs of life as the buds get ready to burst. But with it, in-between the promise of warmer days with beautiful blue sky and sunshine, we get the rain.

I know the old saying stands true “April showers bring May 🌼 🌺 💐Flowers”💐 🌺 🌼 but those of us who are blessed to have a dog know it also brings mud. My dogs don’t seem to care that it sticks to their paws like glue as they run in the yard and the clean floor I long for are again spotted with Paw Prints.

I have tried it all…… wiped their paws with old towels, large bowl with warm water to wash the dirt off their paws, invested in “Dirty Dog” mats, runners and drying mitts. Last year while browsing at the pet section at Ross’, I thought I found my solution – Leather dog boots. So against my husband’s advice, I included these booties in my purchase. I couldn’t wait for our dog to try them out. What a great invention I thought. She can run in the mud all she wants and when she wants to come in, just like the rest of the family does, I’ll remove her boots. Her paws will be nice and clean and my floors will stay clean as well. With great excitement I put these boots on my dog, tightened the velcro straps around her ankles and let her practice walking in the house. It took her a little bit to get use to them but, after a few awkward steps she seemed to master walking in her dog boots. I knew she would; after all she’s a smart goldendoodle. Now the true test – the backyard. I opened the door and my husband and I watched as our dog took off gaining speed to do her usual run. She made it to the back with lightening speed slowing only slightly as she navigated the turn with such grace. They didn’t slow her down in the least. It was only when she was heading back my heart sank… I could only see three boots. She had lost one, another was dragging off her back paw and the other two were somewhat intact. I looked at my husband and knew what was coming….”I told you so”. Perhaps they might work on dogs that like to take a nice leisurely walks but my Ruska knows only one speed….full throttle!

Next idea….we installed a dog wash in the lower lever of our house. Needless to say it has been well used thus far this spring.