We have had many inquires the past couple days from families, so I wanted to give an update on Ruska and her expectant litter of puppies ……. Ruska is doing well, – getting lots of rest, love and pampering. Her tummy continues to expand which I’m sure is making her more uncomfortable with each passing day. I am doing my best to be patient. I get up in the middle of the night just to check on her and when I wake in the morning I’m disappointed that we are still waiting to meet our little ones. It reminds me of my own pregnancies. I was overdue and with each passing day getting more impatient!
The puppies are still very active and when we place our hand on her tummy it is easy to feel them moving. It is always exciting for me when I listen to the puppies heartbeats but Ruska is never keen on the idea. I don’t think she likes the noise from the doppler LOL. I thought you might also enjoy hearing them so I enlisted the help of my daughter and she videoed for me to share. Enjoy!
Listening for puppy heartbeats
It’s difficult to predict an exact due date with dogs. Ruska’s previous litters of puppies came at the beginning of her “whelping window” but, with this pregnancy it is not the case. We are now on day 65. It is not unheard of that dogs don’t deliver until day 68 -70. She was bred with Tulo three times over a 5 day period. Multiple breedings are done because you’re guessing when your female is ovulating. I believe she did not conceive during the first and second mating. The third mating is when she conceived, making a later whelping date. We will have to continue to be patient! Not easy for me or our families waiting for the news!