The calendar say April 21st – spring, but we woke up to a winter wonderland of snow. The puppies turned five weeks old and get to go outside. Today was an exciting day for Ellie, the rest of our dog gang and us – Even though it snowed we were going to introduce the puppies to the outdoors! It was a little cool in the morning, so I waited until the afternoon when the sun was shining on our back deck to take the puppies outside. We packed them into a basket and headed out. When we got the puppies outside, Ellie wanted to nurse them right away. I have noticed that our mama dogs always nurse their babies whenever we move them to a new area. It is their way of reassuring the puppies that they are safe.
Even though the puppies were a little timid at first, they enjoyed their time outside. After the puppies ate their lunch, they started to explore and play together. I knew they had enough when they gathered together on the blanket in their puppy huddle and fell asleep. All that fresh air and exercise is tiring for a five-week-old puppy! I returned them inside and they settled in for a long nap!